Green Week 2020, Displays by food startups as trendsetters

14 listopad 2019

Jury nominates 20 finalists for the Startup Days on 22 and 23 January at the Professional Centre of the IGW 2020

The preliminary decision has been made: the 20 finalists that will be staging their presentations on the two Start Up Days at the International Green Week Berlin 2020 (17 -26 Jan,) have now been nominated by the eight-member jury. On 22 and 23 January the new businesses that have been selected will be using pitch sessions and the exhibition area at the Professional Centre to present their business ideas and products. The Startup Days have been introduced by Messe Berlin to focus attention on current food-related issues and trends, and also to illustrate changing consumer behaviour.

The entries for this competition that have been nominated for the final round in Berlin include umami sauce obtained from lupins, non-alcoholic alternatives to alcoholic beverages, powdered drinks based on medicinal mushrooms, edible cutlery, organic vitamin B12, an online marketplace for raw materials, Asian food boxes, chips made from plantains and manioc, a platform for boosting the efficiency of agricultural enterprises, transporting goods by sailing boat, and a bowl-sharing concept.

Access to the Professional Centre at the Green Week is reserved exclusively for trade visitors, exhibitors and representatives of the press. In particular new food businesses at various stages of the start up process can establish contacts here with major decision-makers from the food trade, with multipliers and investors, as well as with project or sales partners, and can also benefit from the wide-ranging media presence at this trade fair.

Detailed information about the company profiles of the 20 finalists at the Start Up Days and their products can be found at: www.grü

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