The largest investment projects in the field of fruit and grape-growing

17 listopad 2019

The 3rd Annual International Forum and Exhibition Orchards of Russia 2020 (19 and 20 May 2020, Moscow) is a professional and established platform for discussing development strategies of commercial fruit-growing industry of Russia, concluding new lucrative contracts, sharing experiences between key market players, and attracting investment in the industry.

The Forum annually welcomes over 500 delegates from major commercial orchards, vineyards, berry plantations, and fruit nurseries. Just to name a few: Agronom-sad, STEPPE Agroholding, AFG National, Yuzhnaya Agrofirma, Sady Stavropolia, Sad Gigant Ingushetia, Sady Pridonia, Sinco Group, Surgutskoye, Donsad, Belyi Sad, Alma Valley, Malinovy Don, Sady Sury, Glazunovskie Sady, Invest-Alko, Grigorievskie Sady, Moskovsky Agrokombinat, Rudo-ND, Agro-Belogorie Group, Agrokomplex Yesensky, Batyrev Fruit Nursery, Cherlak Fruit Nursery, Legenda Krima, Massandra, Golubika Rossii, Yagody Chernozemia, SPK Arkhangelskaya Klyukva, and many more.
Highlights of the Forum Programme 2019:
Plenary session and discussion: federal and regional government, regulators, investors, project initiators will discuss national support measures, project financial terms, legislative framework for imported planting material and establishment of own nurseries, and other most crucial issues for successful development of companies operating in the field of commercial fruit and grape-growing in 2020-2021 
Presentation of 60+ largest investment projects on fruit, berry, and grape-growing to be developed within 2020-2025 from across Russia
Planting material and development of fruit nurseries – what is needed for the industry to succeed in the shortest time possible?
Processing – excellent opportunity to generate extra revenue? How to build and optimise processing capacities?
Case studies on the development of production delivered by the most successful companies from Russia and the CIS, showcase of innovative technology and equipment useful for your business growth!
Specialised technology-focus discussions: fruit-, grape-, and berry-growing. Learn from your peers what experience to adopt and what mistakes to avoid!
Organic agriculture. Legislation and effective strategies for growing eco-friendly food
Dedicated exhibition of technology and equipment delivered by the global leaders from Holland, Israel, South Korea, Spain, Poland, France, and other countries.

Organiser: Vostock Capital
Contact: Project Producer Olga Zhogal
Tel +7 495 109 9 509 (Moscow)

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