Air circulation and rain control

10 styczeń 2020

All the latest developments in protective screens for agriculture, designed to deliver high yields in a context of total environmental protection combined with control of atmospheric agents, will be the focus of the convention scheduled for 13:00 hrs on 5 February at the Tech Stage (Hall 9) area of Fruit Logistic 2020.
Entitled "Advanced Agrotextiles for Green Healthcare - Air flow / Rain control / Drift control", the seminar will illustrate the findings of research and tests Arrigoni has conducted in association with researchers from Federico II University in Naples and the Edmund Mach Foundation.

Stefania De Pascale, Full Professor of Horticulture at the Agricultural Science Department of Federico II University, Naples, will be presenting the latest solutions in sustainable farming, essential aids for those operating under or converting to organic methods, but also very useful for growers aiming to significantly reduce their use of chemicals.
The keynote speaker at the 5 February congress has held international courses on greenhouse horticulture and crop physiology. Since she joined the Agricultural Science Department in 1993, she and her team have undertaken many research projects to establish the effects of environmental and cultural factors on crop growth, both in the field and in the greenhouse. Prof. De Pascale is also Chair of the Protected Cultivation and Soilless Culture Division and Italian member of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS, She has almost 160 articles registered in SCOPUS (the research publication database) and has produced more than 150 scientific papers and technical reports.

Prof. De Pascale will first of all be presenting a comparison between BIORETE 50 and BIORETE AIR PLUS on courgettes, to enhance our understanding of these agrotextiles' performance in terms of air circulation and the effects of this parameter on crops. A second study, also to be introduced by Prof. De Pascale, was conducted on arugola and investigated the capacity of the PRISMA thermo-reflective screen to reduce the temperature in the protected area.
The Edmund Mach Foundation, on the other hand, will be presenting the results of the field test performed on cherries with the PROTECTA SYSTEM for rain control, and of various innovative Arrigoni textiles for the containment of pest control treatments.
Arrigoni will be attending Fruit Logistica 2020 with all its latest solutions in the area of protective screens for agriculture, in hall 6.1, B-06.

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