12 kwiecień 2020

Since our recent updates regarding Organic Food Iberia and Eco Living Iberia 2020, and coronavirus, events have continued to unfold at speed.  The international event calendar has also moved around significantly, making it difficult for many to attend the event in the current dates. 

Diversified Communications and IFEMA have therefore made the very difficult decision to create new dates for the event, due to the magnitude of the unanticipated public health and safety issues posed by the rapidly escalating COVID-19 outbreaks and contagion.
We have spoken to many exhibitors and supporters today and, based on the situation and the feedback, the decision has been taken to move Organic Food Iberia and Eco Living Iberia to
Thursday 3rd & Friday 4th September 2020 to still be held at Ifema-Feria de Madrid.

Organic Food Iberia and Eco Living Iberia is the most important business events for the organic and natural industry in the Iberian Peninsula. So, we realise that the show is more important than ever, and, with so many exhibitors and visitors encouraging us to carry on, it has been an incredibly difficult decision to take.  We have been overwhelmed with support on the decision to move dates including Ecovalia, CAECV, CIAO, IICA, Portugal Foods, Agrobio Portugal & Hostelería de España.
From the organization, we are very grateful to both exhibitors and visitors, and collaborating media for their continued support to the event.
I know we will continue to support each other during these difficult weeks, and we look forward to seeing you in September, for what we hope will be the best celebration our industry has seen for many years!

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