New website online

26 kwiecień 2020

Top Seeds International continues its innovation process with a completely new-look website

Top Seeds International, the Israeli seed company which specialises in the research and marketing of innovative hybrid vegetable varieties, has launched its new website with the aim of granting all trade professionals, from nursery owners to producers and retailers, direct access to its information.

The new website stands out for its elegant and clean graphics and extremely user-friendly interface, and is an important source of information on the company as well as its products.

In fact, the product menu will enable users to quickly browse Top Seeds International’s various vegetable products and range of varieties, with a constantly updated database. For every product there will be a product sheet containing information on all of its specific characteristics, such as resistance, size and seasonality. Using a special online form it will also be possible to forward a message to the experts of Top Seeds International.

Finally, from the new website it will be possible to follow links to the websites of the Italian, Spanish, Mexican and Israeli branches which will also have updated and specific content for the sales area covered by each subsidiary.

“It was a complex operation and we are very happy with the results. With this new platform we wanted to underline our ability to move with the times, focusing on the needs of producers and offering our partners immediate solutions”, explains Fulvio Berton, head of global marketing at Top Seeds International.

This is the link to the new website:

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