Cibus rescheduled for early September

13 marzec 2020

Cibus has been rescheduled for early September, from Tuesday 1st to Friday 4th September 2020.
The unpredictable development of the COVID-19 outbreak and specifically the intensification of flight restrictions from and to Italy have made the postponement necessary. Therefore, after talks with the delegates of exhibitors and the Italian agri-food supply chains, as well as with the international buyers, Fiere di Parma and Federalimentare have mutually agreed today to reschedule Cibus 2020 (initially planned in May) for 1-4 September 2020.

The postponement to September is a responsible and strategic choice: Cibus will become the key appointment of next fall for the international market and for Made in Italy food.

In the meantime, the Cibus catalog has been uploaded onto
a sophisticated matching tool for national and international visitors, and more in general professional players who nowadays spend much more time online. The online tool already contains all the information from the Cibus catalog, and, shortly, will also display all the products that the Made in Italy food companies publish on their websites, indexed and grouped. This will allow registered users to carry out thorough searches and then send supply or contact requests directly. All contents, even those that companies have not translated, will be transcribed thanks to a multi-language tool.

Cibus Press Office

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