FRUIT LOGISTICA 2021: Creating new perspectives for the global fresh produce business

19 maj 2020

Enabling the international fresh produce industry to build new business opportunities remains at the heart of FRUIT LOGISTICA, the world’s single most-important meeting point for fresh produce buyers and suppliers all across the world. As the world comes to terms with the coronavirus crisis, the annual event will offer its exhibitors and trade visitors the ideal platform in which to cultivate that growth.

“We are already receiving enquiries from new companies and from the various conversations with our customers we know that the interest is high to participate again.” says Madlen Miserius, Senior Product Manager at FRUIT LOGISTICA. “FRUIT LOGISTICA will be the best place for a new start. Our goal is to help reconnect the global fresh fruit and vegetable industry.”

FRUIT LOGISTICA’s return in February 2021 will come at a crucial time for the sector. As markets begin to recover from the shockwaves caused by Covid-19, the event will certainly come at a moment when demand is higher than ever for new products, services and technologies that can lift sales and make supply chains even more efficient and resilient.

FRUIT LOGISTICA is the platform to present ideas and solutions for the future of the trade, to learn about the trends that are changing the business, and to find new ways to shape the business together.

More than 3,300 exhibitors from over 90 countries participated in 2020, connecting with more than 72,000 trade visitors from 135 countries.

The closing date for receipt of applications for exhibitors is 31 July 2020.

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