«Orchards of Russia and the CIS» will be held in a new format: Online Business Forum, Site Visits, and 121 Meetings, 8-11 July 2020

18 czerwiec 2020

The 3rd Online Business Forum, Site Visits, and 121 Meetings "Orchards of Russia and the CIS" is the international and established platform which unites the key fruit farming companies of Russia and the CIS, regional and international providers of high-end fruit growing technologies to offer the industry players the opportunity to keep the business going, to share ideas and experiences, to elaborate anti-crisis solutions in the real time and safe format.

The event annually brings together over 500 delegates from major commercial orchards, vineyards, berry plantations, and fruit nurseries. Just to name a few: Agronom-Sad, STEP Agroholding, AFG National, Yuzhnaya Agrofirm, Sady Stavropolia, Sad-Gigant Ingushetia, Sady Pridonia, Alma Valley, Malinovy Don, Grigorievskie Sady, GK Agro-Belogorie, Eseninsky Agrocomplex, Batyrevsky Fruit Nursery, Cherlaksky Fruit Nursery, Massandra, Yagody Chernozemia, Frukti Starogo Krima, National Fruit Company, Legenda Krima, OK and many others. 

Online forum participants will benefit from:
• 1-2-1 pre-scheduled meetings in the virtual lounge
• Express presentations
• Video calls in chat rooms 
• C-suite private online VIP-club 
• Zoom-cocktail party and other options for informal networking!Online forum highlights 2020: 
• Hotline with business experts! Ask your burning questions, call for advice, and share your experience during and after sessions!  
• 500+ senior executives of major fruit growing companies from Russia and the CIS, investment projects, technological leaders, and industry experts 
• 2 technical video-visits live to topline fruit and berry farms of Russia and Europe: get a closer look at production processes and learn about further development and expansion plans 
• Strategic plenary session and discussion: development of fruit growing industry after 2020 – anti-crisis strategies. How will the industry evolve after the pandemic? 

• Special focus: interactive parallel technical discussions – ask your burning questions to peers from agri-companies of Russia and the CIS 
• Online Training Club for Agronomists: intensive training from sought-after experts of the fruit growing industry
• Case Studies. Success formula and secret tips from industry leaders: productivity growth, protection from pest, optimisation of production processes, and much more 
• Achieving performance gains: how to increase efficiency from starting an orchard to harvesting?  
• Safe platform! Stay connected with colleagues and experts from your home office 

Organising Committee: Vostock Capital 
Tel: +7 495 109 9 509
E-mail: Events@vostockcapital.com
Web: www.gardensforum.ru/en/

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