The lockdown drives the consumption of fruit and vegetables, which grew strongly in March and April

10 lipiec 2020
The consumption of vegetables, including potatoes, in April grew by 44.2% in relation to the same month the previous year and that of fruit by 35.6%, according to the latest updated data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Consumption Panel, following the upward trend in March and confirming that the lockdown has boosted the demand for fruit and vegetables in households.

The household consumption data for April maintain the strong growth registered in March, when the state of alarm and lockdown began in Spain. In March as a whole, in relation to the same month in 2019, fresh vegetables and potatoes grew 18.6%, reaching a volume of 362,189,500 kg, compared to 305,376,060 kg in March 2019. The rise was more than 20% in some produce such as onions (23.7%), lettuce/escarole and endive (35.5%) and peppers (21.8%). In addition, green beans (13.4%), cabbages (18.7%) and tomatoes grew significantly, with an increase of 11.6%.

In the case of fruit, it increased by 8.8% in volume, a growth below the total average for fresh products. The increase in the demand for fruit occurred in March in some types, with an increase in oranges (10.4%), mandarins (19.6%) and lemons (27.3%). Growth was also observed in apples (12.0%) and pears with an increase in volume of 11.0%. However, the demand for strawberries, watermelon and grapes decreased.For May, at the closing date of this Fruit Attraction News, complete data for the entire month is not available, only for the first three weeks. In the week 27 April to 3 May, the seventh after lockdown, household fruit and vegetable consumption grew by 36.6% and 44% compared to the same week in 2019. The following week, from 4 to 10 May, consumption grew 37% in the case of vegetables and 26% in the case of fruit. And the last week for which official data is available is the third week in May, from 11 to 14, with the data published yesterday and it points to a growth of 34% in the case of vegetables and 16.5% in the case of fruit. The Ministry's analysis of consumption in the home shows a very positive increase in the demand for the majority of fruit and vegetables after the state of alarm, which the sector expects to be maintained after lockdown, since fruit and vegetables are essential elements to our diet and are seen as being healthy in these times of pandemic.

Therefore, more than 120 companies and associations throughout Spain have launched a campaign to promote healthy lifestyle habits, showing the wealth and variety of national fruit and vegetable production, which has always been there and continues to be so in this health crisis. The “Live Healthy: Fruit and Vegetables” campaign, coordinated by FEPEX, and in which FRUIT ATTRACTION has also participated.

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