Air Europa, ready for take off

21 lipiec 2020

At Air Europa we are more committed than ever to the safety of our passengers and employees. The coronavirus pandemic has created a situation of uncertainty, but we are starting to prepare for the loosening of the lockdown phase. The air division of the Globalia tourism group has reinforced the strict safety measures that it was already applying by adopting new ones and working tirelessly to ensure that passengers can have complete trust and confidence when we are able to fly once again. 

Air Europa is in permanent contact with the corresponding flight and health authorities and will comply strictly with every recommendation in the instructions issued as part of the collective effort to return to normal life, in which other actors, such as the airports, will have a very important role to play.

Cleaning planes: Air Europa already has very demanding protocols for cleaning its planes, but it has increased the number of in depth cleaning routines in order to disinfect its fleet with specific hospital-grade cleaning products that are perfectly capable of eliminating the coronavirus. Our crews are equipped with face masks and gloves and all our planes are now provided with disinfectant wipes for the use of the crew and passengers alike.
As of the 4th of May, and after its publication in the BOE (Official Spanish State Gazette), the use of masks is now mandatory for passengers and these must be worn at the time of boarding.Air Europa supplies masks to all its passengers for onboard use as an additional safeguard to those required to be worn upon arrival at the airport.

At the airport: Air Europa has placed protective screens at check-in and customer service desks in Madrid and Palma airports. Following recommendations from IATA and Skyteam, the boarding and disembarking processes have also been revised to ensure social distancing requirements are met. Passengers will be fully informed about any new changes and boarding procedures implemented by the company at airports, thus meeting the required guidelines.
Additionally, in order to avoid unnecessary contact, passengers are required to show their documentation and pass it through the electronic reader whenever indicated. You should also affix your luggage tag and place it on the check-in belts. Disinfectant gel has been placed at different locations for maximum hygiene for the use of our passengers.We recommend that all passengers check in their hand luggage, these will expedite all boarding and disembarking processes.
Lastly, our transfer buses, those that transport passengers to and from our aircraft and terminals, are now subject to enhanced cleaning measures, in addition, to allow social distance, their capacity has been limited. 
All Air Europa personnel will wear a mask and gloves.

Distance between passengers on board:
We will endeavour to adhere to the recommended social distancing protocols on our aircraft.

Air filters: It is important to ensure that the air in the cabin is never stale. It is a mixture of air from the exterior and recirculated air processed through high-efficiency HEPA filters. These filters can trap the particles that contain the virus with an efficiency of more than 99.9%. They are the same ones that are used in the most demanding areas of hospitals, such as the operating theatres. No method of collective transport is as efficient as aeroplanes when it comes to passenger safety, especially when you fly with modern and efficient fleets like that of Air Europa, which has models such as the Boeing Dreamliner.

Sterilisation kits: The European regulator recommends that airlines provide universal protection kits (protective clothing, gloves, face masks, biological safety goggles...) and collaborate with the health authorities. Our fleets have been equipped with these systems since 2003, when there was an outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Protocols: Air Europa is in permanent contact with the health authorities of all the countries where it operates and complies with all their regulations and recommendations. It has also implemented and reinforced all the protocols demanded by EASA (European Air Safety Agency) and these are updated in step with them as the situation changes.

Reduction of handheld objects: Air Europa has eliminated the press and onboard magazines to reduce any unnecessary points of contact between our customers.Online procedures:  Customers are advised to make use of online channels to manage all aspects of their travel, payment and check-in. They can do this on the website or on the app.

In-flight service: Air Europa is working to reduce any objects that may be handled on the plane to a minimum. For this reason, 
- “Economy” service will consist of a bag with the menu and a bottle of water per passenger. The main course will be hot and cooked in the oven at high temperature during the flight. 
- Business service will also reduce the number of objects that may be a point of contact and all the hygienic measures already in place will be reinforced, as in the tourist compartment. 
- Our main catering partner, Gate Gourmet, follows strict safety and hygiene controls. 

The Air Europa SUMA programme, more time to enjoy: Air Europa SUMA has extended the validity of the SUMA card for a further six months to ensure that passengers can continue to enjoy the benefits and advantages they had obtained before the WHO declared the coronavirus to be a global pandemic. Moreover, the SUMA Miles used in the purchase of any Air Europa ticket without a flight date limit will be refunded.

Flexibility: The company is offering its passengers an unprecedented degree of flexibility, with measures to make it easy to change tickets.          

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