Interpoma 2020 is changing format and going digital

5 sierpień 2020
Interpoma 2020, the international fair dedicated to the world of apples planned for the coming November in Bolzano will be presented in a new hybrid format, which will see events both in digital format and in physical presence. "Interpoma Connects 2020: Digital Days for the Apple Economy", which is the name of the appointment, will take place 19 and 20 November, while the traditional physical exhibition will be moved to 2021. The decision was made by the Board of Directors of Fiera Bolzano after having conducted a survey among the international public and was of the opinion that the distinctive international character of Interpoma was therefore potentially compromised due to the present and future international travel restrictions.   

Interpoma 2020 will be changing look and become “Interpoma Connects 2020: Digital Days for the Apple Economy”, two days of events and webinar. The new format which will replace the “traditional” fair the 19 and 20 coming November foresees the traditional international Congress “Interpoma Congress” available  both online and in person, “Interpoma Future Hub”, a digital platform for the promotion of international start- and scaleups, and new events as “Interpoma Business Match”, a virtual matchmaking platform for companies and customers in collaboration with EEN (European Enterprise Network) and the Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano. The “traditional” fair, with the exhibits will be held next year, from 4 to 6 November 2021. 

In the last few years Fiera Bolzano, along with the collaboration of customers and partners, has invested a great deal in the internationalization of Interpoma reaching during the 2018 edition, 20,000 visitors and 460 exhibitors from 74 and 24 countries worldwide. This is precisely what led to the decision of transforming the 2020 format and moving the “Classical” fair to 2021 so as not to compromise this important and essential component of internationalization of the event due to the many widespread international travel restrictions.“Over the years we have done everything possible to give Interpoma an international aspect together with our partners and customers. At the end of the day this element is crucial. However, the international character of Interpoma is also essential in the world of apples where South Tyrol is a leader on the world market. Hence the decision for a new, internationally accessible digital format” - states Armin Hilpold, President of Fiera Bolzano.

“The Covid-crisis has proved that nothing can replace physical encounters when it comes to business relationships. However, it is in these particular times that our new concept hybrid event formats enable us to remain active in the international business community and to connect our exhibitors with their clients” – concludes Armin Hilpold. 

The appointment therefore is online the 19 and 20 November 2020 with “Interpoma Connects 2020: Digital Days for the Apple Economy”, and, for those who wish also at Fiera Bolzano for “Interpoma Congress”. 

Elena Vincenzi/Jessica Sabatini
Interpoma Press Office 

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