Food Africa and pacprocess Middle East Africa: A spotlight on the region’s opportunities

23 listopad 2019
Egypt, the gateway to key markets in the Middle East and Africa, is scheduled to host two major international trade fairs in December that will set numerous business opportunities in motion and establish new international trade connections.
Food Africa, the 5th International Trade Exhibition for Food & Beverages, returns to Cairo from 9 to 11 December, at the Egypt International Exhibitions Center. The trade fair has earned its reputation as a leading F&B business platform to promote international trade and investment opportunities in the Egyptian and greater African & the Middle Eastern markets.

Last year, Food Africa welcomed 350 exhibitors from 28 countries, hosted 420 leading buyers from Egypt and the region, and attracted 13,590 professional visitors. The exhibition recorded an eminent success with numerous partnerships and trade deals signed on the spot.

Running alongside Food Africa this year is a brand-new international exhibition, organized by one of the world’s leading event organizers; Messe Düsseldorf. pacprocess Middle East Africa, the International Exhibition for Processing & Packaging in the Middle East and Africa, is the latest addition to the interpack alliance, which spans all international events staged by Messe Düsseldorf under its Processing & Packaging portfolio.

The trade fair brings together local and international industry stakeholders from across the entire value chain to showcase cutting-edge technologies and forge lucrative partnerships. pacprocess Middle East Africa also features two specialized conferences; innovationparc and SAVE FOOD Initiative that will address the latest innovations, technologies, and trends in this industry, and highlight optimal solutions for reducing food waste.

The ‘Hosted Buyers Program’ is a valuable tool offered by these two exhibitions for local and international industry specialists who are looking to expand their businesses and infiltrate new markets. It is a specialized Business-to-Business platform that is developed with a primary focus on building bridges between buyers, vendors, and traders from across the region and beyond, to facilitate business undertakings and allow guest buyers to explore a diverse range of products and negotiate contracts.

Participants in the Hosted Buyers Program benefit from the opportunity to source products efficiently through pre-arranged appointments with worldwide suppliers and manufacturers, network with international industry stakeholders, and witness the latest innovations and trends firsthand.
For more information about pacprocess Middle East Africa and Food Africa, visit and 

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