International Strawberry Symposium, new dates announced

20 marzec 2020

The International Strawberry Symposium’s ninth edition has been postponed until 2021, on 1-5 May. The event will help to bring the scientific community back together after a period of global difficulty.

Given the SARS-CoV-2 emergency, the ninth edition of the International Strawberry Symposium, initially planned for May 2020, will take place in Rimini on 1-5 May 2021.
The decision, after much thought and with no alternatives, was taken by the event’s organisers – the Marche Polytechnic University, agricultural research council CREA and the International Society for Horticultural Science – to protect the health and safety of all participants.

Around 330 scientific works, presented by 1,000 authors from countries in every continent, had already been produced for this great convention. Furthermore, 148 talks were already planned – including 15 by invitation and 133 scientific presentations across three parallel sessions – on topics including strawberry genetics and physiology, plant defense, post-harvest, strawberry properties and the fruit’s positive effects on human health.

Bruno Mezzetti, from the Department of Agrarian, Food and Environmental Science at Marche Polytechnic University, comments on behalf of fellow organisers Gianluca Baruzzi of CREA and Maurizio Battino, Department of Specialist Clinical Sciences at Marche Polytechnic University’s Faculty of Medicine: “This was a necessary decision given the health situation. Our primary objective is to guarantee the safety of all participants. We are positive that, once this situation has been overcome, the 2021 event will be a particular success since it will be the first opportunity for the entire international strawberry community to reconvene and reorganise following such an unprecedented episode.”

In agreement with AIM Group International (the Symposium’s organising secretariat), Palacongressi Rimini, Macfrut, the companies hosting the tours and the sponsors, it has been decided that the programme will be substantially unchanged, but with necessary updates and additions.
In line with the new dates, the programme will start with the pre-tour in South Italy from 29 April to 01 May and then continue with the Symposium itself from 1 to 4 May. Other technical seminars will continue on May 5 as part of Macfrut 2021, before arriving at the post-tour in North Italy on May 6 and 7.

All authors of the scientific papers already submitted will have until 01 September 2020 to confirm their work and present the final version of the paper to be included in the proceedings to be printed for of the new appointment.

Registrations remain valid for the new dates. To request a refund, please contact directly the organising secretariat, AIM Group International:

For all news updates please check the official website:

Michela Dongi and Jessica Sabatini
Press office ISS 2020

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