BIOFRUIT CONGRESS panel cessions

19 październik 2020

The 3rd edition of the international congress will be held in 3 cessions on 20-21 & 22 October from 3:00pm to 4:30pm, each day via streaming on the Fruit Attraction “LIVEConnect” platform.

Following the success of the first two international congresses, with over 400 attendees, Eurofresh Distribution Magazine and Fruit Attraction are launching the third edition of BIOFRUIT CONGRESS, this time via streaming ONLINE. The main European purchasing centres and international institutions (including the European Commission itself) will share their analysis and best strategies to respond to the increase in global demand for fresh organics and other sustainable lines.Consumer behaviour since Covid-19 will be analysed, along with an exploration of ways to optimise the new European Community regulation and other value chains beyond organics, including “flexitarianism”, zero-residue products and bio-dynamic crops.

More info at and

Moderates Pierre Escodo, editor & consultant. 

DAY 1 – Tuesday 20/10 15h-16h30: organic F&V: global demand, latest trends & EU strategy

15:00 – Welcoming by Raul Calleja, director of FRUIT ATTRACTION

15:05 – World demand for organic fresh produce & latest “healthy impacts” since Covid-19 - by Pierre Escodo, editor of EUROFRESH DISTRIBUTION

15:15 - “Farm-to-Fork” strategy: the objectives of the “EU green deal”, which possible action-plan for the F&V sector? – by DG Agri officer, Horticulture division, European Commission.

15:30 – The role and development of organic as a product claim and the shifting use of labels to communicate sustainability – by Tea Thaning, food analyst at EUROMONITOR INTERNATIONAL.

15:45 – “BRICS” market opportunities: “Omni-Channel” sourcing strategies of organic fresh produce in China - by Sophia Yan Xue head of procurement of CHUNBO.COM

16:00 – Debate: diversifying products and channels, Spanish success stories:- BIOSABOR chairman Francisco Belmonte- CAMPO SEVEN ceo Adolfo Garcia- HACIENDAS BIO ceo Paco Casallo


DIA 2 – Wednesday 21/10, 15h00-16h30: which other sustainable and more impacting “Value-Chains” the consumer demands?

The panel aims to debate on alternative and competitive supply-chains:

15:00 – The new “0 residue” labels: the challenge to supply more sustainable and competitive products – by Javier Arizmendi, director or ZERYA.

15:15 – European retail: latest responses towards the multiple demands of the consumer – by EUROFRESH DISTRIBUTION editor Pierre Escodo.

15:30 –  “BE CLIMATE” the first carbon neutral brand for F&V – by PORT INTERNATIONAL CEO Mike Port.

15:45 - Permaculture as possible next step beyond organics – by LEHMANN-NATURE business development manager Didier Fleury

16:00 - Debate: how to improve engagement and transparency of the certified labels, for more impact on healthy, society and environment.


DIA 3– Thursday 22/10, 15h-16h30: How to make the difference with organics? Boosting cooperation between breeding & retail 

How to improve organic value-chains by boosting cooperation between breeding and retail:

15:00 - How organic breeding can bring more Value-chains - by Maria Teresa Lazzaro from FIBL

15:15 – How to improve the quality at retail with better cooperation with breeding – by Carlo Murer, ECOR N
15H30 – German market requirements for vegetables varieties free from cell-fusion breeding technology – by vegetables breeder By Holger Scharpenberg, from Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN)

15:45 – Success Stories with new organic varieties and consumer brands – by Christof Flörchinger from VITALIS.

Collaborating organizations: FIBL, PROEXPORT & ZERYA.

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