Kissabel Rouge: the season kicks off with exceptional colour and taste

6 listopad 2020
The harvesting of the red flesh varieties with exceptional taste ended a few days ago in the Northern Hemisphere: around one month from the harvest of the orange and yellow varieties, now Kissabel® Rouge is coming to the European market to impress consumers with its unmistakable appearance.  Grown mainly in Italy and Germany, Kissabel® Rouge is characterised by both its red skin and flesh colour and by its intense berry-type flavour.

Exceptional internal colour, medium size, excellent quality: this is the identikit of the 2020 harvest on behalf of the Italian and German partners. Being able to attract consumers from all over the world, the prospects for the coloured flesh variety apple Kissabel® are more than promising. “We are more than satisfied with the quality of fruits harvested this autumn - says Fabio Zanesco from Italy, Head of Marketing and sales of the Vi.P contortium, - The Kissabel® Rouge show a very good pigmentation and very little russeting, for this reason we have a very positive feeling about the feedback from consumers. In this regard, we have planned tastings with retailers with the available quantities, in order to have a constant feedback and to introduce the characteristics of the apple. We will try to accommodate all market needs, thanks to careful sales planning and the allocation of medium-big sizes to Italy and smaller sizes to the Scandinavian market. We strongly believe that the Kissabel®   project has a large potential of growth, both in the direction of the organic product and of new exciting varieties”.
Also Andrea Fedrizzi, Head of Melinda marketing and communication, is positive towards this project: “The quality of our apples of our harvest is excellent, as is their internal pigmentation and the colour of the skin. Also this year we expect good response from the market although the quantities are lower. We have done in store promotion and the variety was presented in all the exhibitions in which we participated. We are working on improving packaging, so that it is self-explanatory and that the unique characteristic of the red flesh of this apple is clear. Kissabel® Rouge remains a niche variety, but of great value given the uniqueness of its characteristics”. 

Also in Germany the harvest has just concluded, with very good results, above all for the pigmentation: “The extraordinary internal colour of the Kissabel® Rouge can’t help but amaze those who bite it – comments Inga Mohr, Head of marketing Red Apple Germany – This year we have a low level of russeting and, due to the late and abundant rains, the harvest reached the planned quantities. We have noticed that the interest for Kissabel® Rouge is very strong above all for Halloween: the deep red fruity colour fits perfectly with this festivity. Therefore, we have created a specific packaging thus opening an attractive niche for the producers. Furthermore, we have made a new sticker in order to communicate both to consumers and retailers the uniqueness of Kissabel®: a product of exotic charm, but grown in the territory”. Strengthening the trust in this product and in response to its growing demand, new Kissabel® apple trees have already been planted by the German company in the entire production area.

Kissabel® is the brand that identifies the different coloured-flesh varieties – from pink to deep red – developed using exclusively natural breeding techniques thanks to the IFORED project, an international partnership that involves 14 of the major production and marketing companies in the world.

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