Macfrut: naprawdę wyjątkowa edycja

8 luty 2021
2021 is the International Year of Fruit and Vegetables: let’s meet up in Rimini. Macfrut, the International trade fair for the fresh produce industry, will be held again at the Rimini Expo Centre from Tuesday 7 to Thursday 9 September 2021, a special edition with a new format and activities. Fieravicola, the International Poultry Exhibition, will take place on the same days. On Monday 6 September, instead, a major event exclusively dedicated to business with China will take place: The China Day. 

It is not just that the date has been shifted (it was previously scheduled for 4-6 May), but it will also be a special edition combining the essential role of a business fair and in-person relationships with the opportunities that the digital world offers to companies seeking to expand their business abroad. The brand new format of this trade fair for sector professionals leverages the know-how of the 37 editions held thus far, with the addition of a groundbreaking online experience, which was successfully introduced with the first edition of Macfrut Digital. Basically, those who will take part in Macfrut 2021 will have not only a stand on site at the trade fair but also a virtual stand on a digital platform (, which will allow them to expand their business opportunities in both directions.

Many Focus Areas
At the same time as the trade part, the Macfrut Special Edition will offer several focus areas on the world of fruit and vegetables. Starting with the Partner Region, Sardinia, located in the heart of the Mediterranean area and renowned for its high-quality agricultural produce such as the spiny artichoke, the Carciofo Spinoso di Sardegna DOP, and its saffron, Zafferano di Sardegna DOP. A major event, the Biosolutions International Event, will be dedicated to the biostimulant and biocontrol supply chains. This event comprises: an international exhibition dedicated to biostimulant producers, addressed to agricultural entrepreneurs and sector professionals. Alongside the exhibition part, there will be guided visits and an International Congress that will bring together the Mediterranean production chains and the world of biostimulants. One of the greatest novelties of the 2021 edition will be the Italian Retailer Business Lounge, an exclusive area at the trade fair for the large-scale retail trade and Italian distributors, where targeted meetings with exhibitors will be arranged through a dedicated business matching programme in collaboration with Think Fresh by Agroter. 

Another novelty is the fourth edition of the International Asparagus Days which, for the first time, will be held simultaneously with Macfrut. It is a focus session dedicated to the entire asparagus industry with an exhibition area hosting specialist companies and a conference area with the latest technical and commercial updates.

Last but not least, the B2B Meeting Agenda will offer visitors the opportunity to manage their time at the trade fair by planning meetings through the virtual stand, which will be made available to all exhibitors who join the initiative: it will be possible to organise meetings on site, for those who will physically participate in the event, or online for those who will be connecting remotely. Exhibitors can also prepare their own meeting agenda in advance by scheduling appointments with specially selected international buyers.

Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut:
‘Once again, Macfrut has pioneered an innovative, future-oriented project. There is a great desire in the industry to meet in person, to enjoy the human contact that we have been longing for such a long time. At the same time, we are aware of the fact that the current situation has completely changed the way we see things. The Macfrut Special Edition, scheduled for 7-9 September, addresses both needs: physical presence and digital opportunities. Last September, we were the first to organise a virtual trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector, and we want to be the first to offer an innovative format that combines a physical and digital trade fair in one.’

International press office Macfrut 

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