Chiny wybierają Macfrut

8 luty 2021
It is one of the great novelties of Macfrut 2021 (7-9 September). The International trade fair for the fresh produce industry will be preceded by a day exclusively dedicated to business with China. The China Day is the name of the innovative event to be held on Monday, 6 September on the platform. Given the excellent results achieved with the last edition of Macfrut Digital, when the Chinese pavilion had about 120,000 visits and exhibitors received orders worth more than $10 million in total, the ATPC (Agricultural Trade Promotion Centre), the Chinese government body that promotes agricultural products, has decided to place a strong focus on Macfrut.

More than 100 Chinese companies will be participating in The China Day, as well as numerous international companies eager to offer their products and services to China. All stands will be visible in three languages: Italian, English and Chinese. An interpreting service will be provided to exhibitors and buyers during B2B meetings. In addition to the trade part, an Italy-China Forum on business opportunities in the fruit and vegetable supply chain will also be held.

China’s participation in The China Day will be based on four key factors. Firstly, numbers: a significantly higher number of participants, from 87 companies in the first edition to more than 100 expected to participate on 6 September. Secondly, quality: the Agricultural Trade Promotion Centre of the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will be selecting only premium companies. Thirdly, a larger amount of Chinese fruit and vegetable produce will be exhibited. And, finally, the possibility to host an on-site exhibition at Macfrut, if the health emergency is under control. 

‘China has chosen Macfrut as a benchmark trade fair for its fruit and vegetable trade,’ explains Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut. ‘With this project, we will reap what was sown in the first edition of Macfrut Digital, which was attended by a huge number of Chinese companies. The Agricultural Trade Promotion Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China was very satisfied with the trade fair and has therefore decided to take part in an even more important project, which will offer Italian companies a great opportunity to do business with this giant Asian country.’ 

‘Over the years, Macfrut has become one of the most influential fruit and vegetable trade fairs in Europe and in the Mediterranean region,’ says Ma Hongtao, director of the Agricultural Trade Promotion Centre of the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. In addition to the excellent joint contribution of China and Italy to continuously develop and strengthen the “Belt and Road” project, and to the ongoing expansion of agricultural trade and of the trade in agricultural products between these two countries, Macfrut will continue to be a vital link between the European and Chinese markets. With its capacity for innovation in the field of services relating to international purchasing, trade, accurate business matchmaking, etc., it is sure to become a crucial global trading platform for the fruit and vegetable industry.’ 

International press office Macfrut c/o fruitecom 

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