WAPA przedstawia roczną prognozę produkcji na półkuli południowej

25 luty 2021

The World

Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) has released its 2021 apple and pear crop estimate for the Southern Hemisphere. This report has been compiled with the support of ASOEX (Chile), CAFI (Argentina), ABPM (Brazil), Hortgro (South Africa), APAL (Australia) and New Zealand Apples and Pears, and therefore provides consolidated data from the six leading Southern Hemisphere countries. WAPA’s Secretary General Philippe Binard commented on the usefulness of gathering the insights from these major producers: “Elaborating this collective data has previously proved a valuable exercise for the global apple and pear industry and a reliable source of information when the season progressively shifts from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere”.

Regarding apples, the aggregate Southern Hemisphere 2021 crop forecast suggests an increase of 6% (5.090.000 T) compared to last year (4.818.000 T), with increases in Australia, Brazil, and South Africa of 23%, 20% and 6% respectively, a decrease in New Zealand of 5%, and stable figures in Argentina and Chile. The aggregate increased by 2% compared to the average of crops between 2018 and 2020. Chile remains the largest Southern Hemisphere apple producer in 2021 with 1.512 million T, with Brazil in second place (1.130 million T), followed by South Africa (1.013 million T), Argentina (617 million T), New Zealand (547 million T), and Australia (271 million T). Gala remains the main variety (39%), followed by Fuji (14%) and Red Delicious (13%). Export figures are estimated to stabilise at 1.691.562 T, with stable figures for Chile (650.773 T), a 4% increase for South Africa (476.000 T), and a 7% decrease for New Zealand (372.000 T).

Regarding pears, the Southern Hemisphere growers predict a stabilisation of the crop at 1.346.000 T and an increase of 2% compared to the overall average of years 2018-2020. The increase in South Africa, Australia, and Argentina of 3%, 2%, and 1% respectively are expected to compensate for the 3% and the 10% decrease in Chile and New Zealand. As in previous years, Packham’s Triumph and Williams BC/Bartlett are the major varieties, with 36% and 28% respectively. Forecasted export figures for pears are reported to increase by 6% compared to the previous year and reach 708.690 T, with a 12% increase for Argentina (373.996 T), a 2% increase for South Africa (214.361 T), and a 3% decrease for Chile (108.315 T).


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