Grupa Emsur uzyskuje certyfikaty ISO 9001 i 14001 we wszystkich swoich zakładach

5 marzec 2021
EMSUR has obtained ISO 9001 and 14001 certification at all of its plants, highlighting its total commitment to manufacturing safe products that comply with the most stringent quality requirements, while at the same time guaranteeing respect for the environment.

The award of ISO 9001:2015 certification underlines our determination and a culture of continuous improvement based on a standardised quality management system at all of our sites, which enables us to offer the maximum levels of quality and customer satisfaction. 

Similarly, ISO 14001:2015 certification acknowledges the Group's production efficiency, and its efforts in terms of prevention and protection of the environment. This international standard evaluates environmental management in different organisations to encourage improvements in performance with the aim of protecting the environment. "The award of multi-site certification fulfils the goals of our global quality and environment strategy, the aim of which is to offer our customers more competitive, more sustainable services. This recognition marks an important milestone for Emsur, not only because it reaffirms our culture of continuous improvement and the excellence of our teams but also because it reflects our commitment to sustainability and environmental protection."  Alberto Gallardo, Emsur CEO.The Group's 9 plants have passed the audits with flying colours, underlining their excellent practices in the areas of efficient consumption of natural resources, responsible waste management, the reduction of their carbon footprint and food safety. 

With these two certifications EMSUR ratifies its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection as well as to the promotion of a culture of quality and safety excellence. EMSUR's commitment to sustainability is based on promoting food preservation and offering products that optimise the use of natural resources and reduce the environmental impact. Its vision of sustainability focuses on eco-design and the circularity of packaging through increasingly sustainable and safe solutions.

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