„Transform” Anuga 2021 kładzie nacisk na transformację żywności

1 marzec 2021
New congress and event formats are picking up on mega trends such as sustainability, health, convenience and digitalisationCOVID-19 is having a sustainable impact on peoples' lives and has clearly demonstrated that changes can occur suddenly and bring about strong effects. The pandemic is having a magnifying glass effect and is revealing the health policy, economic and social weak spots. Furthermore, it is not only illustrating the volatility of the global food and ecosystem that was already visible before COVID-19, but is once again underlining the necessity for global change. A representative survey carried out among the exhibitors and visitors of Anuga 2019, in which 60 percent stated that the industry is facing significant change, also confirms this. It is no longer purely about how to feed the approx. 10 billion people in the future, but how a sustainable food transformation can be achieved with the aid of digitalisation and technological progress and with regards to the climate-related challenges.

The organisers of Anuga are aware of this transition and are thus placing the focus on food transformation this year in the scope of their key topic "Transform". The largest trade fair for food and beverages worldwide sees itself as an international business network and central communication platform, which is actively accompanying the transformation process and supporting the industry in securing and maintaining economic success.

"We are not only observing how the implementation of the food transformation is occurring within the agricultural sector, in the production of food and beverages or in the global supply and value chains, it is also demanding a new approach with regards to eating habits and consumer behaviour. On top of this there are additional current challenges such as export and travel restrictions, the increased demand for products that are beneficial to health, the virtual standstill in the out-of-home market as well as an area of tension between different systems, for example globalisation versus deglobalisation or convenience versus sustainability and zero waste. Anuga 2021 will offer new formats here, which will make the many transformation processes visible," explained Stefanie Mauritz, Director Anuga.

In addition to the 10 trade shows, the already announced, new, digital platform, Anuga@home, which is enhancing the physical trade in 2021 and thus providing a hybrid format, will tread new paths and provide further inspiration. This gives the customers of Anuga the option to participate even without physically visiting the trade fair. From panel discussions, to online seminars, corporate and product presentations, through to the virtual café, there is something for everyone. This results in a platform on which experts and decision-makers from the most varied sections can come together to discuss and instigate new, sustainable avenues for the food and beverage industry.

Food trends and focus themesThe transformation process of the industry is particularly reflected in the food trends and focus themes of Anuga 2021. This demonstrates that the food and beverage industry is encountering the challenges of the transformation with new approaches and innovative products. The mega trends include the themes sustainability, health and digitalisation, which was also confirmed by a representative survey of the exhibitors and visitors of Anuga 2019. The additional food trends include alternative meat proteins, clean label, convenience & snacking, free from & health foods, plant-based proteins or foods, superfoods & ancient grains as well as sustainably produced or packaged and focus themes like halal, kosher, gourmet & speciality foods and private label.

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