Grupa Migiva wyróżnia ofertę winogron stołowych premium

9 marzec 2021
In line with its commitment to supplying the freshest, most fabulous and flavorful fruit, Migiva Group – a family-owned group of diversified companies in the Americas and owner of fresh produce grower-exporter Agricola Andrea – is excited to reveal its strategic partnership with Hazel Technologies Inc. in the USA to trial the post-harvest application Hazel®for grapes on a commercial scale. 

Over the last year, the two companies have been researching and developing the product which has the potential to deliver significant added value for quality-obsessed Agricola Andrea in delivering table grapes of the very highest quality standard to its high-end markets.
In particular, Hazel®for grapes has shown to favor the post-harvest quality and condition of table grapes, thereby prolonging shelf-life, reducing dehydration and improving the fruit’s visual appearance.

Following positive trials last season, the product is being trialed commercially this season (2020-2021) on exports of Agricola Andrea’s table grapes from Peru destined for Asia primarily, as well as Europe, the UK, the USA, and Canada, among other destinations.
Eduardo Mazzini, Commercial Director of Migiva Group, explains: “In this business, and especially for the high-end markets that we serve, nothing is more important than the perfection of the fruit and its eating experience. We don’t just sell fruit; we sell an extraordinary eating experience! We are passionate about distinguishing ourselves with the best quality fruit.” 
Mazzini continues: “If proven to be successful on a commercial scale, Hazel®for grapes could be very significant for us and our industry. Based on our trial results we believe that Hazel® favors the grapes post-harvest. The fruit keeps fresher for longer; the stems look greener, as if they were not long ago harvested. This is key because the condition of the stems is a known indicator of freshness in grapes.”

Martin Roeder, Latin America Sales Manager, Hazel Technologies, comments: “Our growth in Peru has been fantastic in our first year of commercial operation. Our ultimate goal is to allow our customers to provide the highest quality fruit, decrease food waste, and increase sales. For post-harvest protection in grapes, there is no solution simpler than Hazel®.”
Quality comes first for innovative Agricola Andrea, a well-known and long-standing producer-exporter in Peru that focuses on delivering a superior consumer eating experience through unparalleled quality, specialty varieties and best farming practices. For grapes, Agricola Andrea only plants varieties bred by IFG (International Fruit Genetics), and is among the largest growers of IGF table grapes in the Southern Hemisphere.

Just one year ago, the group began testing Hazel®for grapes on a handful of its grape shipments and within its cold storage units.

Mazzini comments: “The tests last season were not enough to be conclusive but enough to move forward to commercial trials. The results are consistent with a better appearance of the fruit during post-harvest, and the lifespan of the fruit is seemed to be prolonged by about one week, although this is not conclusive yet at a large commercial scale.”
For now, Migiva’s partnership with Hazel Tech will focus solely on the Hazel® for table grapes technology but the progressive group is open to further collaboration in the future. 
Mazzini notes: “It will be interesting to see where this project leads us to. Hazel Tech® is very keen on innovation and so are we!”

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