Rejestracja na doroczne wydarzenie Freshfel Europe 2021 otwarta dla wszystkich sektorów świeżych produktów

27 kwiecień 2021
Today Freshfel Europe is opening registrations to its 2021 Annual Event taking place online on 4 June 2021. To celebrate Freshfel Europe’s 20th anniversary as well as the UN International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 this year’s Annual Event is open to all fresh produce sector operators. This year Freshfel Europe’s exclusive event will gather fresh fruit and vegetable sector leaders from across Europe and key decision makers influencing policy in the EU arena to discuss the next decade for the fruit and vegetable sector in leading a healthy and sustainable future.

This year Freshfel Europe’s Annual Event 2021 will focus on the evolution of Freshfel Europe’s work since its establishment in 2001 to be come the peak representative body for the fresh fruit and vegetable sector in Europe. Over a three-hour digital event open to the public the 2021 Annual Event will include four sessions covering detailed insights into opportunities for the sector to lead the way for a healthy and sustainable future for Europe and beyond, starting with the international Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021. Crucial market and EU policy opportunities will be examined, such as capitalizing on the European Green Deals’ objectives and green, health conscious tech-savvy consumers.

Freshfel Europe General Delegate Philippe Binard affirmed, “2021 is a unique year for the fresh fruit and vegetable sector marking both the 20th anniversary of Freshfel Europe as the peak EU-level representative body for the fresh produce sector in Brussels as well as the UN International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. Without doubt 2021 is a key year for the sector in the public eye as an essential sector for a healthy and sustainable future for all citizens”. Mr Binard highlighted that, “In order to mark this special year the Association is opening its doors for all operators and stakeholders in the fresh produce sector to join the celebrations at our Annual Event along with our members. This year should be celebrated by all actors across the supply chain as a milestone year for the fresh produce sector”.

Registrations to the Freshfel Europe Annual Event 2021 are now open via the online registration form on the Freshfel Europe website.

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