International fruit and agricultural fair on Lake Constance nurtures in-depth dialog among professionals

19 luty 2020

By and for experts, with a wide range of products and services on offer, and differentiated in its communication: In its ninth edition, Fruchtwelt Bodensee provided fresh impetus for fruit growers, farmers, and distillers. With unparalleled quality from the 384 exhibitors coming from 13 countries, the international trade fair attracted some 16,100 visitors (15,900 in 2018) to the exhibition center in Friedrichshafen. Representatives from the policymaking sphere and associations, farmers, and fruit growers focused on discussions with consumers and interest groups. The 39th Lake Constance Fruit Growing Days strengthened the cohesion of the fruit cultivation industry with lectures and discussions. For example, “Farmer Willi” provided practical tips regarding creative and open communication with critical consumers to an at-capacity audience. Presentations on the topic of direct marketing were also extremely popular.

After three trade-fair days, CEO of Messe Friedrichshafen Klaus Wellmann provides the following positive assessment: “The great strength of Fruchtwelt Bodensee lies in professional and scientifically sound presentations from the supporting program combined with a diverse and high-quality range of products and services presented by the exhibitors. From new fruit varieties to plant protection through to the latest trends in machinery and equipment, visitors get an excellent overview of the market from well-known exhibitors.”Project Manager Petra Rathgeber shared the following: “Pioneering visions are also an important element of our premium trade fair, which is why we dedicated a separate presentation area to the topics of ‘smart farming’ and start-up companies. The slight increase in visitor numbers in an economically restless environment demonstrates that farmers are looking to the future and searching for solutions, and that they see Fruchtwelt Bodensee as the ideal platform for their interests.” State Secretary Friedlinde Gurr-Hirsch came to a similar conclusion on opening day during the panel discussion on biodiversity: “Fruchtwelt Bodensee is a trade fair that fits in with the times because it brings together people who all share the same objective and find what they need to carry out their work. Even in times of networking via the Internet, the haptic is salient, and it is important to feel a sense of unity. The digital platform that is also offered here can provide a forum for exchange throughout the year.”

Andreas Ganal, Managing Director, and Erich Röhrenbach, Chairman of Obstregion Bodensee e.V., were also satisfied: “Fruchtwelt Bodensee is a popular event. It is an important meeting place for the industry to engage in exchange and discussion. The opening event and the lectures were very well attended. The visitors to the fair were first rate, and many fruit growers took part. A large number a people from other European countries came to our stand, including representatives from South Tyrol, Austria, and Switzerland.” The exhibitors knew to appreciate the exceptional quality of trade visitors and the trade fair location at the intersection of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria in the middle of the second largest apple cultivation region in Germany: Thomas Fischer, Regional Manager of Lake Constance and the Bavarian Allgäu for Same Deutz-Fahr Deutschland GmbH, summed it up: “Fruchtwelt Bodensee is a fair that is tailor-made for a trade audience. The visitors are interested in technology and appreciate what is on exhibit. It’s a trade fair in which the emphasis is on quality over quantity. We sensed that customers were ready to invest. The fair is a high priority for our company, and the geographical location is also very attractive to us. Awareness has grown for this exhibition in recent years.” Michael Weber, Managing Partner of VariCom, was also quite satisfied:“This year we are presenting the new brand Fred, a pear variety characterized by juiciness, firm and crunchy flesh, a red blush, and its exceptional tolerance to fire blight. It was very well received by producers with a variety of sales channels. The concept of Fruchtwelt Bodensee is really good. It is geographically located in the heart of Europe, and we are quite pleased with the outcome.”

The next international trade summit for fruit growers, farmers, and distillers will take place at Lake Constance from February 18 to 20, 2022.
For further information see

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