Międzynarodowa Wystawa Maszyn, Urządzeń i Technologii w Rolnictwie

26 maj 2021
Vietnam Growtech is one of the largest agricultural exhibition in Vietnam. In 2021, this fair will take place in Ho Chi Minh City focuses on agricultural machineries, gardening horticulture and floristics.Due to the success of the show every year, the show has been expanding very rapidly, which is expected to welcome 300 exhibitors in the next edition serving the best business platform in the Asian agriculture market.

Vietnam Growtech Expo 2021 promises to bring a good opportunity for manufacturers, distributors, systems integrators & installers in agricultural industry to exchange information & experience, seek new markets. It also creates a good condition for functional departments & local enterprises to access the advanced & modern technologies, solutions & potential partners; contributes to serve effectively the development of socio-economy in the process of international economic integration. To create a more professional and complete exhibition, Vietnam International Exhibition on Gardening – Floraplantexpo (a part of Vietnam Growtech) is launched with our goal is to be the most proven sourcing platform for connect garden trade professionals and distributors to explore business opportunities in the spectrym of Floricutural Production and Processing Technology.

Vietnam Growtech creates the opportunities to advertise to a target market and expand brand visual identity to more than 5000 Vietnamese and international agricultural enterprises and experts at the exhibition, Direct consulting support by the leaders and managers at ministerial department level and many benefit activities. This time Vietnam Growtech Expo under Hybrid Edition (Physical and Virtual booths), exhibitors will experience the virtual booths with products, posters, videos, connect with global buyers/exhibitors, join the webinar sessions with exciting and professional lecturers.
Engage around-the-clock with global buyers across borders and time zones, the virtual show will last a month-long duration, while exhibitor information will remain on the show official website, with PC or mobile buyers can participate.

Vietnam Growtech Expo aiming to lay the groundwork for the development, investment, and partnership across all industrial peers, the event brings together 7,000+ Participants, 150+ Hosted Buyers and 200+ Exhibitors under 7,000+ sqms of exhibiting.

Visit https://growtech.vn/exhibitors/book-a-stand for booking space and further information.

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