Greenhouse Complexes Russia 2021 - rejestracja jest już otwarta

28 maj 2021
The registration for the 6th Annual International Investment Forum and Exhibition "Greenhouse Complexes Russia & CIS" is open. The event will be held on 1-3 December in Moscow. 

The partner of the event is the Association "Greenhouses of Russia".

Programme 2021 highlights:
 500+ executives of flagship greenhouse complexes and agriholdings from Russia and the CIS – Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, as well as investors, government representatives, chief agronomists, managers of retail chains and service companies
• NEW! 2 TECHNICAL VISITS to state-of-the-art greenhouse complexes – Agrokombinat Moskovsky (vegetable farming) and Podosinki (flower cultivation)
• Leaders' debates: the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, agroholdings, investors, initiators. Post-pandemic status of greenhouse industry.
• Greenhouse investment projects on modernisation and construction with the implementation period of 2021-2025 from all Russian regions and the CIS countries
• NEW! HYDROPONICS AND VERTICAL FARMING. What is the difference from traditional industrial cultivation? Technology development prospects
• FOCUS SESSION: STRATEGIES TO INCREASE SALES. How to establish interaction between suppliers and retailers for the benefit of all?
• HOW TO OPTIMISE PRODUCTION WITH THE HELP OF INNOVATIVE GREENHOUSE TECHNOLOGIES. How innovations boost to the development of the greenhouse industry?
• INCREASE IN YIELD AND RESISTANCE – MODERN APPROACHES TO CULTIVATION. Parallel round tables for agronomists in the following areas: fruit and vegetable and lettuce greenhouses, mushroom complexes, berry greenhouses
• Presentation of modern equipment and technologies for greenhouse complexes from top companies from the Netherlands, Israel, Germany, Italy, Spain, and other countries
• Fast and efficient! Road show of innovative technologies and equipment by the global leaders

More information on 

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