Żywe sałaty z Agromediterránea: jeden z najlepszych pomysłów roku

28 maj 2021
• Sold with their roots still intact, they have been awarded in the Sustainability category for the innovation behind them and for contributing towards the consumption of fresher healthy products
• The company’s Centre of Agricultural Innovation (CIAM) is running this project which involves soil-free farming without the use of pesticides
• The award was receivedby the general manager at Agromediterránea, Jesús Gómez, at the 43rd award ceremony organised by Spanish business magazine ActualidadEconómica

Agromediterránea, a company that specialises in the production and distribution of fresh vegetables, has been awarded for its research project involving the farming of living lettuce, classed as one of the ‘100 Best Ideas of the Year’ in the Sustainability category. The magazine Actualidad Económica granted the Foodiverse company recognition at its 43rd award ceremony. 
“At Agromediterránea we are 21st century farmers, meaning that sustainability and innovation are part of our everyday work ethic. We are very proud that our commitment and the efforts of all of our team are recognised, both through prestigious awards such as this, and by our clients,” Jesús Gómez, general manager at Agromediterránea, explained.
The ‘100 Best Ideas of the Year’ awards go to the best product innovations and initiatives driven every year in the sphere of business, in categories such as digital transformation, health, connectivity, environment, industry 4.0, SMEs and start-ups, and transport and mobility. The publication has recognised the merit of Agromediterránea’s project within the Sustainability category.
This innovative project, developed by the company in its Centre of Agricultural Innovation (CIAM), aims to ensure that the product reaches the end consumer fresher and cleaner with its roots still intact. To do this, they have implemented a strategy based on vertical hydroponic farming, with no soil and no pesticides. 
The prizewinning project has initially been carried out using red oakleaf lettuces (Chicorium Intybus) although the company aims to incorporate other varieties and, before too long, other types of vegetable. 
Sustainability being one of Agromediterránea’s strategic building blocks, living lettuce – which is sold under the brand Sun&Vegs – unites the company’s commitment to the environment and the concept of healthy eating.


Image: Jesús Gómez (third from the left), general manager at Agromediterránea, received the award in a ceremony yesterday in Madrid (Spain).

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