CIBUS we wrześniu: pierwsza europejska wystawa żywności

15 czerwiec 2021

Cibus 2021, to be held in Parma from August 31 to September 3, is the first major Italian international B2B exhibition to reopen in-person. Cibus represents the restart of the Italian food and beverage sector and its exports. During the long lockdown period, the made-in-Italy agri-food sector not only met domestic demand, but increased its export shares. Demand from abroad increased for both typical products of the Mediterranean diet (pasta, tomato-based products, olive oil, cheeses) and high-quality premium products. Good conditions, therefore, for a strong production recovery of the sector and for the consolidation of new positions on international markets.

Exhibiting companies at Cibus have already confirmed their participation, reassured by the success of the vaccination campaign and by the sanitation and distancing measures that will be adopted by Fiere di Parma in its exhibition centre, as already tested successfully at Cibus Forum in September 2020.

Luigi di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation stated: “Italian Food is the true symbol of Made in Italy throughout the world. Trade fairs are its major promotion tool, the best showcases for exports and generators of economic growth. The Italian fair system has proved maturity and resilience. Now we can officially announce that physical trade fairs will start again on June 15, a target that we have been working for with much determination. Cibus 2021 will be the first international food trade show marking the restart of our nation, the flagship of "Made in Italy Excellence”.

All product categories will be on display at Cibus 2021: from deli meats to cheeses, from pasta to tomato-based products, from olive oil to baked goods, from beverages to grocery products, from frozen foods to local products, and more. There will also be a new area dedicated to the Ho.Re.Ca. channel (restaurants, bars and similar), called “Ho.Re.Ca.The HUB”, in partnership with Dolcitalia. Other dedicated areas include the new Unionbirrai and Birra Nostra space dedicated to craft beers and Bellavita Expo, the B2B event which for years has been organizing promotional shows for Italian Food & Beverage in foreign capitals.

Italian and European retail buyers will be attending Cibus 2021, as well as large delegations of business operators from the USA, Latin America, and Asia, thanks also to the incoming programme of the Italian Trade Agency (ICE). Buyers are offered a unique opportunity, through the “on the road” Cibus Destination programme, to visit the production plants of the Food Valley and its points of sale, and, through “on-site” Cibus Destination, discover the new trends of Authentic Italian food by exploring thematic itineraries dedicated to local productions.

Many new products will be presented at Cibus 2021. Here is a first list of them:

In the pasta sector: red lentil sedanini, green pea fusilli, green pea mezze penne rigate, all gluten-free; superfood spaghetti enriched with matcha and ginseng, spirulina extract, dragon fruit, vegetable charcoal, turmeric and ginger; organic beetroot couscous.In the sauces sector: ready-made organic sauce with organic grape tomatoes, designed for children; sauces prepared with no added flavourings, preservatives or sugars; vegan grape tomato ragout; ready-made truffle sauces in nine different flavours, at an affordable price. Cheeses will include: thin slices of Tuscan Caciotta, Tuscan Pecorino PDO, Pecorino with pesto, Pecorino with saffron, Pecorino with truffle, ready to eat in trays; spreadable cheese with 15% Parmigiano Reggiano; oat milk yoghurt.In the meat sector: sandwich with cooked ham and cheese; Manzetta d’Abruzzo; fully traceable cooked ham.Condiments include: a new range of premium-quality Italian extra virgin olive oils; vinegar made from quality craft beer.Also: compostable coffee pods with new recyclable paper wrapping; cold coffee cream ready to serve without mixing or other preparations; mineral water enriched with collagen, zinc and hyaluronic acid; organic sesame and honey bars; ready-made salads in biodegradable and compostable bioplastic bags to be disposed of in household organic waste; pink apple in a recyclable bag; organic chocolate and hazelnut cream; truffle-flavoured nuts; pesto crisps. Finally, frozen foods include: Pinsa Romana; Neapolitan pizza, with a thin dough in the centre and a crunchy crust.

Visitors to Cibus 2021 will be welcomed by the city of Parma, which is this year Capital of Culture and UNESCO Capital of Gastronomy; the city streets will host “Cibus Off”, the Collateral Event that combines culture and gastronomic discovery.

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