Pierwsza wirtualna edycja Agropack Expo

24 czerwiec 2021
Agro-Pack Expo the international exhibition of agri-food and packaging industry will be held from 27th to 30th of septembre 2021 in the new exhibition center « Abdellatif Rahel » C.I.C of Algiers ; the first in Algeria, an economic Hybrid event through the two versions , physical and virtual, a meeting point between professionals and agri-food industry actors, national and international, in order to fulfill the needs of the mentioned industry especially during the worldwide health crisis.

This event gathers an important number of exhibitors, coming from many different countries offering to the visitors a large choice of materials, equipements , products and services, rich, diversefied and innovative covering all the agri-food, conditioning and packaging sectors.

« Agro-Pack Virtual » an online event, accessible via an electronic platform, allowing the connection of the physical exhibition with the visitors by the exchange of information; as well as the insurance of participation of the exhibitors who have difficulties traveling due to the current health situation or with scheduling.Agro-Pack Conferences offer to its exhibitors and visitors various themes presented by renowned speakers around the agri-food and packaging industries on the development, strategic reflections in these fields, presenting the different evolutions of the legislative context, commercial and economical of Algeria, as well as the new innovative and performing technological solutions.

AGRO-PACK VIRTUAL CONFERENCES offer to its exhibitors and visitors webinairies, videoconferences in streaming or saved videos. Thus, it will allow the exhibitors and visitors to connect and follow the full program; questions and answers via chat will be possible during these audiences.

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