WCO będzie gospodarzem drugiej edycji Globalnego Kongresu Cytrusów

30 czerwiec 2021
The World Citrus Organisation (WCO) is announcing the second edition of the Global Citrus Congress, which will take place on 16-17 November 2021 on a new 24 hour format online. Following the success of its first edition with over 1200 delegates from over 60 countries, the Global Citrus Congress will bring together again the citrus community to discuss the new challenges and opportunities the COVID-19 pandemic has brought for the citrus sector around the globe.

The Global Citrus Congress 2021 will explore the main global citrus trends, challenges and opportunities through a lively combination of talks, interviews and panel discussions. The programme of this second edition is in the making, and will feature current marketing and production trends for the citrus sector in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Citrus consumption and promotion strategies in the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic will also feature in this 24 hour global congress. In addition, delegates will be able to interact with each other through the Congress platform and attend sessions tailored to European, Americas & Asia’s time zones and specific market interests.

WCO Co-Chair and Director of AILIMPO Jose Antonio Garcia affirmed, “Cooperation, transparency and constructive debate are the keys for a successful future for the citrus sector. This second edition of the Global Citrus Congress is a crucial meeting point to ensure this exchange among the citrus community in the current disruptive pandemic environment”. WCO Co-Chair and CEO of the Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa Justin Chadwick added “The Global Citrus Congress is a must-attend opportunity for all citrus stakeholders around the world wishing to keep up to date and shape the future of global citrus”.

The Global Citrus Congress will be free to join online and open to anyone with a smartphone or laptop and a high-speed internet connection. Registrations will open soon at https://www.citruscongress.com/.

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