China Day rozpocznie Macfrut 2021

16 lipiec 2021
On 6 September, the day before the official start of Macfrut, the spotlight will be on China. A whole day of events and B2B meetings will be dedicated to this giant Asian nation, with more than 100 Chinese companies featured on the platform.  

It will be a fully digital event as well as an unmissable opportunity for professionals in the fruit and vegetable sector from all around the world who are interested in trading with China. The China Day, the opening event of the 37th edition of Macfrut – the international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector to be held from 7 to 9 September 2021 in Rimini (Italy) – will take place on 6 September on the platform and is organised in collaboration with the ATPC (Agricultural Trade Promotion Centre), the Chinese government body that promotes agricultural products.

 “China’s participation in the first edition of Macfrut Digital was a huge success: the pavilion dedicated to the Asian country received more than 120,000 visits during the three-day event and the exhibitors who had a virtual stand at Macfrut took orders worth more than $10 million. China has therefore shown great interest in the 2021 edition and has once again confirmed its participation. More than 100 exhibiting companies will be featured on the digital platform, which proves Macfrut’s key role as a trading hub between Asia and Europe” says Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut.

 The China Day will take place exclusively online and will feature an exhibition part, a B2B meeting area and the second edition of the Italy-China Forum which, as in the 2020 edition, will provide a unique opportunity to take stock of trade relations between these two countries, explore business opportunities and provide updated data on Italy’s and China’s fruit and vegetable production, imports and exports. More than 100 Chinese companies will be present in the exhibition area, including many international companies interested in the Chinese market. All virtual stands will be visible in English, Chinese and Italian, while an interpreting service will be available to exhibitors and buyers during B2B meetings. 

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