Emsur Poland uzyskał certyfikat do drukowania oznakowania DPG na opakowaniach napojów

19 lipiec 2021

• Emsur has joined the DPG-System set up in the German market to fulfil the mandatory deposit on one-way drinks packaging, in accordance with the requirements of the German Packaging Ordinance.

On 28th June Emsur Poland passed the internal audit conducted by DGP, DeutchePfandsystem GmbH, that allows it to produce and sell shrink sleeves and labels for the German beverages market from now on. This certification provides special authorisation to print the DPG one-way deposit stamp for shrink sleeves and labels that beverage brands are obliged to include in their packaging for the German market, in accordance with the  country’s Packaging Ordinance.

The DPG system was set up in Germany in 2005. DPG provides the legal and organizational framework for settling deposits (deposit clearing) between companies participating in the system.  To this end, DPG has developed a set of standards for a uniform labelling procedure that enables automatic collection of one-way drinks packaging subject to a mandatory deposit. The system places the obligation on manufacturers, distributors and producers of packaging or its design elements as is the case of EMSUR. 
In view of the prime importance of the marking procedure and its relevance in terms of security, label printers and packaging manufacturers wishing to produce DPG labels or packaging must enter into a licensing agreement with DPG, as a so-called "User DPG Ink" and must undergo a location-related certification process. Emsur, having obtained this certification, is now positioned as a benchmark flexible packaging provider for key beverage companies in Europe.

Committed to sustainability
EMSUR’s commitment to Sustainability is based on providing packaging solutions that contribute to food availability and reduce the environmental impact by optimising use of natural resources. The company’s vision of sustainability focuses on the eco-design and the recyclability of its packaging, reinforcing its contribution to a circular economy model. Proof of this commitment is its membership of CEFLEX, the consortium of European companies that promotes the circularity of flexible packaging, or the renewal of  FSC® certification  at Emsur. Moreover, both EMSUR and its sister company for rigid packaging, COEXPAN, form part of the Circular Plastics Alliance, an initiative that aims to boost the circular economy of plastics by promoting the use of recycled material and quality recycling processes. EMSUR has quality and food safety policies in place that are based on excellence and continuous improvement. Along these lines, EMSUR obtained ISO 9001 and 14001 certification at all of its plants, highlighting its total commitment to manufacturing safe products that comply with the most stringent quality requirements, while at the same time guaranteeing respect for the environment to achieve a sustainable future. 

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