Fruit Attraction 2021 rozszerza Międzynarodowy Program Gości

26 lipiec 2021
One hundred days before the opening of Fruit Attraction 2021, and with 85% of the 2019 surface area occupied, the event is promoting its usual International Guest Programme, developed in association with ICEX and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, Fruit Attraction is promoting this programme to allow participating companies to select and invite clients or potential new clients from anywhere in the world to attend in order to strengthen commercial relationships at a key moment for campaign planning.Fruit Attraction increases its international invitation capacity from 5 to 7 October in Madrid, aimed at thousands of buyers, retail purchasing managers, importers and wholesalers from all over the world.

The “Guest Importing Country” feature has been added to the programme, with Brazil and Ukraine featuring this year.Fruit Attraction is therefore encouraging relations with these two markets, surrounded by a complete programme of round-table meetings, guided visits to the fair and B2B sessions.

For the fifth consecutive year, FRUIT ATTRACTION LIVEConnect will host World Fresh Forum, which will explore the business opportunities and commercial challenges existing in the countries invited this year:Ukraine, Brazil, Belarus and South Korea.Organised by the Secretary of State for Trade, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, IFEMA and FEPEX, the World Fresh Forum will be held during the week of 6 September.

A personalised contact-centre campaign carried out during the month of July by the Fair Organisation with 2,000 European buyers taking part in the programme in the last two editions reveals that 69% of them have confirmed their attendance in 2021, while 23% intend to come to Madrid thanks to the positive health progress that will be made over the coming months.

As a result, the presence of 1,200 buyers from around the world is expected.Participants in the event are mainly trade professionals from the global purchasing and distribution chain, with high decision-making capacity, authorised to negotiate.This initiative is an efficient tool that allows companies to get the most from their time at the trade fair and is greatly appreciated by trade professionals.

Fruit Attraction, which will take place from 5 to 7 October at the IFEMA MADRID fair centre, has the firm backing of the sector as a whole in this special “retail” edition.

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