Investment projects on construction and modernisation of greenhouse complexes

8 październik 2019

Date: 4-5 December 2019
Place: Moscow, Baltschug Kempinski
Organised by: Vostock Capital

4th Annual Forum and Exhibition Greenhouse Complexes Russia & CIS 2019 – is an established professional international platform for attracting investment in the Greenhouse Industry of Russia, discussion of industry development strategies, exchanging experience between key market players and signing new win-win contracts. Supported by The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
Over 700 leaders and senior executives of agricultural holdings, greenhouse complexes, initiators of investment projects, investors, retail chains, government officials, producers and providers of equipment and related services for the greenhouse industry took part in the Greenhouse Complexes Russia Forum 2018. 

The Forum participants included such giants of the greenhouse industry of Russia and the CIS as APH Eko-Culture, Greenhouse Growth Technology, Lipetskagro, Agrocombinat Yuzhni, Agrocomplex Churilovo, Agrofirma Vyborgec, Agro Management, White Dacha Trading, Agroculture Group, Chekhovsky Sad, Flowers of Udmurtiya, AgroInwest, Greenhouse, Penzensky Greenhouse Plant, Agrocomplex Ivanisovo, BRBAPK, Spayka, Green Eco, Grow Group Azerbaijan, Grodno Vegetable

Factory and many others.
Forum Highlights 2019:
700+ C-suite executives of major greenhouse complexes and holdings from Russia and the CIS – Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, as well аs government officials, chief agrarians, top managers of retail chains, and service providing companies 
50+ investment projects on construction and modernisation of greenhouse complexes with the development timeframe 2020-2025 from all regions of Russia and the CIS countries
Leaders debate: the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, agroholdings, initiators. How will the greenhouse industry evolve after 2020? Growth drivers and development routes of the industry
IMORTANT! AGRONOMY DAY – specialised workshops on vegetable crops farming. How to boost yield and plant resistance to pest and diseases?
Specialised exhibition of high-end equipment and technologies for greenhouse complexes from major companies of the Netherlands, Israel, Germany, Italy, Spain and others
IMPORTANT: GREENHOUSE INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT IN THE CIS COUNTRIES. Key investment projects in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus and other states
Round tables on mushroom farming and flower gardening. How to improve output and quality? How to set up mushroom production and distribution?
NEW! Technical round table for agronomists. Sharing experiences, development of new solutions for the technologies of farming
Dynamic and productive! Road-show of innovative technologies and equipment from the world leaders
Focus-session: construction and modernisation of greenhouse complexes. How to renovate and optimise production facilities?
Sales strategies and assortment policy – what products are demanded in the market?
Packaging and processing: efficient strategies, innovations, technological developments –how to optimise technological processes. From fresh to processed products
NEW! Propagation material: how to build up production and supplies of quality seedlings? Modern approaches to growing propagation material, building partnership with nurseries

Gold Sponsor: Sananbio, Signify, Silver Sponsors: Green Automation Export, Svetogor, Bronze Sponsors: Rijk Zwaan, Royal Brinkman, Megaphoton. Industry partner: Greenhouses of Russia Association.

Elvira Sakhabutdinova, Project Director
+7 495 109 9 509

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