SHAFFE zaznacza swoją obecność na głównych spotkaniach branży świeżych owoców na całym świecie

7 wrzesień 2021
"Among our strategic objectives established for the year 2023 is to position SHAFFE as a voice within the international fruit sector, and thus enhance exports from the southern hemisphere and issues of interest to the industry, which is why we are participating in many events worldwide, and with issues that concern us such as sustainability, food safety, among others," said Charif Christian Carvajal, SHAFFE President.

Marta Bentancur, SHAFFE Vice President, will be at Macfrut 2021, held from September 7th to 9th, combining virtual and face-to-face format. Bentancur will be present at the "Italian Berry Day", explaining the topic: "Opportunities and Challenges for the Export of Berries from the Southern Hemisphere" (on September 8th).

"Today, blueberry consumption is on the rise practically all over the world, especially due to their nutritional and health benefits. SHAFFE countries such as Argentina, Chile, Peru, and South Africa are important suppliers of these fruits in the world. However, there are challenges that must be taken as industry", said Bentancur.

In addition, SHAFFE will marks its presence at XII Jornadas de APAMA, (Blueberry Association of Mesopotamia Argentina), which will be held from September 8th to 11th virtually. SHAFFE President, Charif Christian Carvajal will review:"Opportunities and Challenges facing the Southern Hemisphere Fruit Industry and the role of SHAFFE" (on September 9, 2 p.m.). While Nelli Hajdu, Secretary General SHAFFE and Gabriel Wasserman,representative of Fruits from Argentina, a SHAFFE member, will explain: "Sustainability requirements of the Northern Hemisphere fruit buyer" (on September 10th at 14:00 pm).

"Sustainability is a key issue not only for fruit growers and exporters, but for the world. Today we are facing challenges due to global warming, but also at food safety level and increased consumer and market demand in this regard," said Nelli Hajdu.

SHAFFE will also be part of a seminar in the framework of the IX Business Matchmaking Forum, organized by the Pacific Alliance on September 14th at 15:55 hours (CET)

"As SHAFFE we are very pleased to be present at key events for the global fresh fruit industry. Our interest is to continue participating in many more events of this type, and with crucial topics for fresh fruit exporters in the southern hemisphere," added Secretaria General SHAFFE.

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