Szósta edycja agrofood & plastprintpack Nigeria ważnym wydarzeniem

6 wrzesień 2021
Exhibitors from 14 countries – Top level 3-day conference
Co-located: 3rd West African Cold Chain Summit & Exhibition

Due to upbeat market development and an ever-increasing interest in the Nigerian market, the 6th edition of agrofood Nigeria & plastprintpack Nigeria in 2021 is all set to become a major milestone event for the Nigerian agrofood & plastprintpack industry. Global technology leaders will showcase adapted technologies and solutions for the Nigerian and West African market towards more than two thousand specialised trade visitors in the fields of agriculture, food processing, ingredients, plastics, printing and packaging.

The exhibition is complemented by a top level 3-day conference featuring more than 40 Nigerian and European experts. Organised by the German trade show specialists fairtrade, the event is scheduled for 26 to 28 October 2021 at the Landmark Centre in Lagos - Victoria Island Annex.

agrofood & plastprintpack Nigeria 2021 is all set to become a major international event as already by the end of July 2021, exhibitors from 14 countries have registered and there are still more to come. They origin from Belgium, Germany, India, Italy, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, and USA.Official country pavilions are present from:• Belgium, organised by Flanders Investment & Trade supporting the international activities of Flemish companies• Germany - The German Pavilion features 19 leading suppliers, presented by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs in cooperation with the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) and supported by VDMA Food Processing & Packaging Machinery• Taste Tunisia, the agrifood consortium for Africa offering finished agrofood products and related equipment from Tunisian market leaders

ROVEMA is registration sponsor of agrofood & plastprintpack Nigeria 2021. fairtrade is happy to announce ROVEMA as this year’s registration sponsor. With more than 60 years of experience, Germany based ROVEMA develops and builds packaging machines and lines that meet the complex demands of the modern circular economy. Having already delivered more than 30,000 machines and lines worldwide, ROVEMA, in 2019, generated approximately 100 million euros in sales with more than 600 employees worldwide.WACCSE now co-located with agrofood & plastprintpack Nigeriafairtrade is delighted to welcome a valuable addition to agrofood & plastprintpack Nigeria 2021 and announces its new partnership with OTACCWA, the Organization for Technology Advancement of Cold Chain in West Africa.The partnership agreement includes the organisation of the 3rd West African Cold Chain Summit & Exhibition WACCSE by OTACCWA alongside agrofood & plastprintpack Nigeria 2021.WACCSE is the only cold chain event in West Africa where businesses gather to find solutions and share best practices for managing the complexities of the perishable food system and pharmaceutical supply chain.

Major institutional supportThe event enjoys the strong institutional support of the access Bank, AHK Nigeria, Delegation of the European Union to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Federal German Ministry for Economic Affairs, IOPN, NABG, NAFDAC, NIFST, OTACCWA - Organization for Technology Advancement of Cold Chain in West Africa, and VDMA Food Processing & Packaging Machinery.3-day conference program featuring more than 40 Nigerian and European expertsagrofood & plastprintpack Nigeria 2021 will again be supplemented by a 3-day program full of presentations and panel discussions, organised jointly by fairtrade and AHK Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria.More than 40 Nigerian and European experts will discuss issues such as:• The Nigerian agrofood & plastprintpack industries in times of Free Trade• Outlook of the plastics & packaging industry in Nigeria• The need for adopting global packaging standards• Enforcing food safety to promote exports• Financing opportunities for agro-tech start-ups• Digitalization of the agrofood & plastprintpack industry• …

SOS Children's Villages Nigeriafairtrade again supports SOS Children's Villages Nigeria by donating all proceeds from visitor entrance fees and by promoting them to partners as well as throughout the campaign. 

For more information about the exhibitors & products and to pre-register as visitor:

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