Rozpoczęły się zbiory odmian o kolorowym miąższu na półkuli północnej

14 wrzesień 2021

Kissabel®, the innovative range of apples with coloured flesh running from pink to intense red, is about to return to the European market. 

Harvesting of the first Kissabel® apples began in September in the United Kingdom, France and Switzerland, with the yellow and orange skin and pink flesh varieties. In October it will be the turn of Italy and Germany, where mainly varieties with red flesh and skin are grown. 
The United States will also start harvesting in autumn, with quantities intended for commercial tests.Some of the biggest names in international apple growing are taking part in the Kissabel® program. 

In Europe, the partners are: Alliance Mesfruits Gerfruit and Blue Whale (France); VOG, Melinda, VIP, La Trentina and Rivoira (Italy); Greenyard and Worldwide Fruit Ltd (United Kingdom); Fenaco (Switzerland); Red Apple Germany consortium (Germany); and Nufri (Spain). The United States partner is NBT Cooperative.

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