Czwarta edycja agrofood & plastprintpack Etiopia powraca na żywo

23 wrzesień 2021
Due to upbeat market development and an ever-increasing interest in the Ethiopian market, the 4th edition of agrofood Ethiopia & plastprintpack Ethiopia is back live and in-person from 14 to 16 October 2021 serving the Ethiopian agrofood & plastprintpack industry.

Global technology leaders from the world over will showcase adapted technologies and solutions towards more than two thousand specialised trade visitors in the fields of agriculture, food processing, ingredients, plastics, printing and packaging.

Organised by the German trade show specialists fairtrade in cooperation with their Ethiopian partners Prana Events the event takes place at the Ethiopian Skylight Hotel in Addis Ababa.

Exhibitor community representing a wide spectrum of the entire value chain

“The entire team of fairtrade & Prana Events has prepared the 4th edition of agrofood & plastprintpack Ethiopia 2021 with much joy and commitment over the last months. We are all the more proud that our exhibitor community represents a wide spectrum of the entire value chain”, outlines Martin März, fairtrade Founder & Managing Partner.

“This year is not about reporting record numbers, especially as we have limited the space of the exhibition, because the safety of all participants has the highest priority. But we have succeeded in creating a platform with a strong community so that exhibitors from 9 countries namely from Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Nigeria, Russia, Turkey and USA, and trade visitors from all over Ethiopia and neighbouring states can once again engage in conversation, tackle projects and work together.”

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