Macfrut 2021, pełen sukces dzięki świetnej pracy zespołowej

19 wrzesień 2021
Macfrut, the international trade fair for the fresh produce industry, which took place from 7 to 9 September in Rimini, attracted a number of visitors that was unthinkable until just a few months ago. After over a year and a half of virtual relationships, the three-day event was the first international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector to be held in person and was attended by 32,600 people. 

Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut, explained: ‘This is a clear sign that we are at a turning point. The large number of participants shows just how committed the sector is to this trade fair, which is Italy’s showcase for fruit and vegetables from all over the world, as well as its strong desire to get together in person again as normal – something we were not able to do for months. There was a lot of enthusiasm in the air throughout the event, with a turnout that exceeded all expectations.’ 

But aside from the numbers, which are not the only indicator of the success of a professional event, Piraccini added that it was ‘the high quality of the professionals and visitors that made the difference, as well as the high-quality content offered: this is the distinctive and characteristic feature of Macfrut, the only trade fair for the fruit and vegetable supply chain. Macfrut is the result of great teamwork between the exhibitors, the Cesena Fiera team and industry specialist partners with whom the major issues facing us in the next few years were addressed: Agri2000 for biostimulants, Anbi and Cer for Acquacampus, Ncx Drahorad for the Italian Berry Day, Agroter for retail, and Luciano Trentini and Cermac for the dynamic areas”. 

In his closing remark, Piraccini talked about the future: ‘I would like to thank all sector players who believed in this event. We are already planning the next edition that will be held from 4 to 6 May 2022.’

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