Arrigoni powraca na Eima 2021

10 październik 2021
Arrigoni, leading group in the design and production of agrotextiles for use in farming, will be exhibiting at Eima 2021, the International Agricultural and Gardening Machinery Exhibition, to be held at the Bologna Exhibition Centre from 19 to 23 October this year.

 The company will welcome visitors at stand C4 in hall 30, where it will be displaying all the latest solutions in high value-added protection systems. This switch in location from previous editions highlights the synergy with the irrigation and greenhouse construction sector. 

“We are pleasantly surprised by the number of visitors from outside Europe who are planning to be present,” states Arrigoni Group CEO Paolo Arrigoni. “Face-to-face contact with customers is always important, and this will be the perfect opportunity to strengthen our historic contacts, especially from South America and North Africa. Arrigoni is also growing strongly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, so we can’t wait to meet delegations from these countries, where the numbers are also expected to be large.” 

Partly in response to climate change, which is hitting many of the home areas of non-European exhibitors, Arrigoni will be displaying its specific, sustainable solutions for the most extreme weather conditions, such as hail. In particular, the Fructus® and Iride® polyethylene hail screens, designed to protect orchards and vineyards from the long-term damage hail can cause, offer the greatest possible flexibility in application, meaning the ability to adapt to all types of growing systems. Therefore, as well as ensuring protection against adverse events, they also create the ideal microclimate for the growth and development of crops.

But there will be other excellent products on show: Protecta® is the Arrigoni solution for protection from rain. A very dense-woven textile, it prevents heavy rain from damaging crops while still allowing sufficient air passage. Protecta® is the ideal screen for crops at risk of fruit cracking because it keeps out 90% of rain and offers a defence against wind, frost and sun. 

At Eima 2021, Arrigoni will also be exhibiting its Biorete Air Plus® anti-insect solutions, a range of high-tenacity agrotextiles made from ARLENE HT®, the polyethylene monofilament developed by the Arrigoni Laboratory to be both very slender and tough. Thanks to their large number of holes, Air Plus range anti-insect screens enable more effective crop ventilation, while the different mesh sizes available deliver targeted protection against various types of insect, right down to the smallest thrips. 

Last but not least, the abrasion-resistant Robuxta® range, designed for use on tensile structures, features a white version incorporating the LD light diffusion additive that reflects infrared radiation for effective temperature control, with reductions of up to 5 degrees in the summer months, and increases in yield of as much as 70%. 

For more information:

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