Top Seeds International wprowadza na rynek Fanello, mini-pomidor śliwkowy

13 październik 2021
The Italian division of Top Seeds International, the global vegetable seed company that specialises in the development, production and distribution of innovative, high-quality hybrid varieties, is launching on the market its first mini-plum tomato, Fanello, the outcome of more than four years of research.As well as ensuring the yield, quality and fruit appearance needed to be competitive on the market, TSI Italia has concentrated on flavour in particular in the development of this variety, grown so far in Sicily and being launched now. “The mini-plum tomato market is strongly focused on flavour, and Fanello meets this need in full, actually raising the bar. In fact, Fanello is characterised by an impressive sweetness of up to 11 degrees Brix, one of the highest on the market in this category,” comments Fabrizio Iurato, Product developer & Sales Reps of TSI Italia, the commercial subsidiary of Top Seeds International. 

The shape is that of the true data tomato, very similar to the fruit after which it is named, and the colour is intense, shiny red, with noticeable green parts and absolutely none of the unpleasant stalk odours sometimes found in this type. Amongst its other characteristics, Fanello also has a very low dropping rate; in other words, fruit stay firmly attached to the stalk. The generously sized stalk also helps to maintain freshness, including in appearance: Fanello has a lengthy shelf-life, with fruit staying firmer for longer. 

From the growing point of view, Fanello is particularly versatile, since it can be transplanted at different times of year, from September to late May, with harvesting from November to August. After the trials in Sicily, growing of Fanello also began in central Italy in February-March of this year. 

 “Fanello is the name of a part of Vittoria (a town near Ragusa, Sicily) where the fruit and vegetable market is held,” explains Rosario Privitera, Area Manager for Central-Southern Italy. “We intend this name to celebrate Sicily and the area where this tomato originated, and to help to promote it worldwide.”

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