Międzynarodowi producenci sektora gruszkowego spotkają się w Rotterdamie na INTERPERA 2022

1 kwiecień 2022
INTERPERA, the International Pear Congress will take place from 28 to 30 June 2022 in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). This 14th edition will be co-organised by AREFLH and DPA, the Dutch Produce Association. 

INTERPERA aims to bring together international producers, traders and actors around technical and economic issues such as the recent developments and prospects of the pear production.I

On the agenda: the first day (June 28) will be dedicated to visits to different orchards, companies and the research station in the Betuwe, the fruit area in the center of the Netherlands. 

The main conference will take place on June 29 in the charming Zalmhuis in Rotterdam with sessions dedicated to market developments, to the summer pear crop forecasts, innovation, consumer insights and more. The third day (30 June) will take the participants to the Pear Day, in Krabbendijke in the south west of the Netherlands, an  event once every two years which welcomes numerous local and international arboriculturists, technicians and partners of the sector.

Every year INTERPERA is the ideal congress to share knowledge on production, innovation, crop protection, fertilization and sales. Richard Schouten director of DPA welcomes the event expressing his delight “In hosting Interpera for the first time in the Netherlands it is an unique opportunity for Dutch growers and traders to gather and meet  international colleagues”. 

For more information www.interpera.org/english

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