Weź udział we Fruit Attraction 2022 i zwiększ sprzedaż

11 kwiecień 2022
Many companies have already sent us their application to participate in the meeting to choose spaces for Fruit Attraction 2022. You still have time; you have until April 11 to send the application and benefit from all the advantages.  Participate from 4 to 6 October at Fruit Attraction, the main commercial tool of reference for the GLOBAL marketing of fruit and vegetables. Its ability to promote global exports of the sector make it the commercial connection point of the whole set of professionals that make up the entire value chain, in addition to having established itself as a framework for innovation in the fruit and vegetable market. 

+ More than 90,000 professionals from the fruit and vegetable sector will be present at Fruit Attraction.
Take the opportunity to get preferential conditions of allocation, sending your application before April 11th.

I want to exhibit

Still have doubts about why you should participate as an exhibitor at Fruit Attraction 2022?

Top 10 reasons...

1. To consolidate and open export markets. 
2. To concentrate face-to-face meetings with the main operators and retailers in the world.
3. To generate and awaken massive sales opportunities. 
4. To build loyalty and centralize meetings with regular customers. 
5. Expand and enhance personal networking.
6. Brand positioning and notoriety of new products. 
7. Showing and teaching products, formats and services in person. 
8. Maintain and build sectorial authority. 
9. Be part of the relationship of suppliers of operators and retailers around the world. 
10.... I'm sure you have many more.

FRUIT ATTRACTION, the key appointment in 2022 for a future full of commercial opportunities.

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