Fructus® i Biorete® - skuteczne rozwiązanie ochrony przed owadami, chorobami wirusowymi i gradem

12 kwiecień 2022
Fructus® and Biorete® are an effective solution for protection against threats from insects, viral diseases and hail 

The months from May to September are crucial for the entire fruit production year, but they are also the times when the problems posed by insects and adverse weather conditions such as hail are most acute. Arrigoni’s innovative orchard protection systems, such as the Fructus® and Biorete® ranges, can be a far-sighted, effective choice. What’s more, these products are fully compliant with green, sustainable farming methods.  

Alongside bananas and citrus, apples, pears, peaches and apricots are the most popular types of fruit with the highest global consumption figures. However, market competition demands meticulous growing techniques to minimise factors which may reduce yields and quality. Naturally one of these is hail, which continues to be a major problem. Taking 2021 as an example, according to the ESWD (European Severe Weather Database), by mid July last year no fewer than 426 severe weather events, with serious damage to crops, had already occurred in Italy.  

Arrigoni’s first line of response to these issues is the Fructus® range of anti-hail nets. Fructus® is effective not only against hail but also for protection from attack by some of the most harmful apple and pear insect pests – such as Cydia pomonella – if installed around the sides of the orchard. These immediate benefits are supported by others that make a crucial contribution to improving yields. Fructus® nets are designed to optimise the microclimate by reducing daily average temperatures and increasing relative humidity. These effects create favourable conditions for the growth and fruiting of pomes. Moreover, enclosing the sides of the orchard adds effective protection against birds and various types of insects. This also reduces the incidence of diseases, since insects are their main carriers. Furthermore, combined with the microclimatic effects, decreasing the sunlight intensity during ripening improves pome fruit size, sensory characteristics and organoleptic composition.  

Nowadays, peach crops are also hard hit by a variety of parasitic pests, which often carry other pathogen viruses. These problems are particularly severe in medium-late peach varieties, where insects such as Ceratitis capitata and Drosophila suzukii can cause major damage, especially given their high rates of reproduction. Arrigoni’s Biorete® screens are also extremely effective in this area, since Biorete®’s distinctive conformation creates a physical barrier against pests and thus the spread of viruses. At the same time, they produce a better microclimate even compared to standard plastic film, and also sharply reduce agrochemical use, providing a healthier environment and higher fruit quality. Last but not least, for particularly hot climates there is Biorete Air Plus®, a system with even finer monofilaments to ensure both better ventilation and effective protection against even the smallest pests.  

“Modern fruit growing,” comments Paolo Arrigoni, CEO of the Arrigoni Group, “demands effective solutions to more and more complex problems. In fact, there are many parameters to be considered, some of them very difficult to reconcile, such as higher yields combined with respect for the environment. Today, our ceaseless research into protective systems for farming has enabled us to develop truly innovative, durable solutions. And, what’s more, at Arrigoni we now offer fruit growers genuine bespoke solutions, tailored to the characteristics of their land and the geographical context.” 

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