Egypt showcases its traditions to attract new markets at the centenary of Anuga

20 wrzesień 2019

Egypt will be taking part in the most important international trade fair for the food and beverage sector, Anuga, which is celebrating its centenary on 5-9 October in Cologne. In Coordination with the Egyptian Commercial Service, German-Arab Chamber of Industry and commerce and the Export Development Authority, The Egyptian Food Export Council organizes the Egyptian pavilion, to featuring the legacy of the Egyptian History, taking the era of the Pharaohs as an image yet showing how these roots have been perpetuated by modernizing the theme to appear in a very presentable look.

This year, Egypt will participate at Anuga with an Egyptian Pavilion covering 1,257 square metres and accommodating 96 Egyptian producers and exporters of a wide range of foods and beverages products. The Egyptian delegation travelling to the German city of Cologne for showcasing their products within four of the ten distinct zones of the trade fair venue, depending
on their particular sector. Most of them will be on the national Pavilion in Hall 2.1, although there will be a significant presence of Egyptian companies in the Anuga Frozen Food zone, in Hall 4.1; in the Anuga Drinks zone, in Hall 8.1; and in the Anuga Dairy zone in Hall 10.1.

Egypt is considered the world’s leading producer of dates. The Egyptian pavilion will showcase an extensive range of food and beverage products including the Egyptian dates with its varities, frozen fruit and vegetables, dairy products, juices, flours, pasta, spices and fresh herbs, pastries, coffees and teas, snacks, pretzels, edible oils, olives and olive oil, gherkins, canned legumes, fruit concentrate and pulp, jams, halva and tahini, honey, molasses, baking products, tomato paste, powder mixes for desserts and instant drink powder, dessert ingredients, raising agents, breakfast cereals, cereal bars, cookies, legumes and grains, peanuts, sauces and salt.

Egypt has established its Egyptian Pavilion since 1987 at Anuga, and having taken part annually in this event: “Anuga is the benchmark international event for Egypt. It is always considered the trade platform which can offer great opportunities for our producers and businesses to get together with buyers across the world, and thus support the council to continue moving forward in increasing the Egyptian exports and Egyptian participation in Anuga,” says Manar Nasr, the Executive Director of the Food Export Council.
For some decades now, food exports from Egypt have risen annually. The ranking of Egypt’s trade destination partners in EU is top ranked by Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Greece, Poland and Romania. Last year, Egyptian exports to the European Union markets amounted to 361 million USD, showing a 9% increase compared to the previous year and accounting for 13% of the country’s total food exports.

The importance of Germany for Egyptian producers
In 2018, Egyptian exports to Germany reached 70 million USD, representing an increase of 20% compared to the previous year. Germany is the destination of 19% of all Egyptian exports to the European Union. Frozen strawberries topped the list of most-exported product last year, with a total shipment of 22,000 tonnes valued at 27 million USD, an increase of 128% in terms of value and 38% in volume in this category of berries. Other very popular products with the German market are seeds, dried onions, canned vegetables, essential oils, canned fruit preparations and dried vegetables, among others.

Press releases: MINT

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