"Mining Chile and Latin America 2023" - kongres i wystawa
3 sierpień 2023
The 4th International Congress and Exhibition "Mining Chile and Latin America 2023" registration is still open. The event will be held on 4 - 5th October in Santiago de Chile and will gather more than 200 decision making mining executives to discuss ways to increase mining companies' competitiveness, reduce production costs and risks, and seek collaboration opportunities with local and international partners, in light of the rapidly shifting political and economic conditions in both the international and domestic mining markets, as well as the complex environmental and social scenario.
There are just 4 days left to register with 10% discount . This offer ends on August 4th.
Register now
Congress highlights 2023:
- 200+ Decision making mining executives will be gathered on this strategic event: national and international companies, as well as government representatives, regulatory agencies, academics, project owners, and providers of technologies and services
- 40+ Investment projects for construction, expansion, and modernisation of mines in Chile, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador with the development timeframe 2023-2034
- Strategic Plenary session: How to keep mining as an engine of regional economic growth? Local and international cooperation, government, initiators and operators' strategic plans.
- Strategies to promote foreign investment: How to attract investors and encourage the expansion and maintenance of businesses.
- Dedicated exhibition of cutting-edge equipment and technologies for mining industry delivered by local and global leaders
- New! Risk management in mining operations: operators and service providers present current best practices for operational risk management in mines
- Important! Environmental and social accountability in mining operations: Best practices for community engagement and ecological sustainability
- 30 hours of extraordinary networking possibilities! 1:1 and face-to-face business meetings, networking round tables, cocktail receptions, and interactive conversations. Use this chance to trade business cards with EVERY conference attendee!
- Ask your burning questions, get advice, and share your experience during and after the sessions!
Register now
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