Ostatnia szansa, aby dołączyć do kierowników projektów odsalania w Chile
10 styczeń 2024
Organizers announce that heads of main desalination projects in Chile have already confirmed their participation in the International Congress and Exhibition Desalination Latin America (March 13th-14th 2024) held in Santiago, Chile. Take advantage of 1-2-1 meetings arranged personally for you and business networking opportunities at the event.
There are just 2 days left to register with 10% discount. This offer ends on January 12th.
Register now
Among the investment projects confirmed:
- NORTH DISTRICT DESALINATION PLANT: The project will be developed by the consortium formed between Marubeni Corporation and Transelec and includes three pumping stations and a 160 km long pipeline to transport the desalinated resource to the reservoirs of the Northern District. Estimated Investment: USD $1 B.
Confirmed participants from Codelco: Safety and Health Director.
- INCO - LOS PELAMBRES: The 400 l / s desalination plant will be part of the USD$ 1.3bn expansion plan for the Los Pelambres copper mine, located in the Coquimbo region
and under the control of Chile’s Antofagasta Minerals. Estimated Investment: USD $ 520 M.
Confirmed participants from Antofagasta Minerals: Area Manager.
- ANTOFAGASTA DESALINATION PLANT EXPANSION: Expansion of the Antofagasta Desalination Plant located in the La Chimba sector of the regional capital. The project, which reaches 130 million dollars, currently supplies Antofagasta and Mejillones and produces 1,056 liters per second. With the expansion works, production will increase by 53%. Estimated Investment: USD $ 130 M.
Confirmed participants from Aguas Antofagasta: Head of Dept. Desalination, Project and Engineering Manager, Project Manager.
- COLLAHUASI MINE: The Collahuasi reverse osmosis desalination plant will have an initial flow of 525 l/s that will increase to 1,050 l/s to extend the useful life of the mine by 20 years and will raise the processing capacity to 210,000 t/d compared to 170,000 t/d current. Estimated Investment: USD $ 270+ M.
Confirmed participants from Doña Inés de Collahuasi Mining Company: Engineering and Studies Superintendent.
Request the full list of participants Registration Sponsor:
Atlas Renewable Energy
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