Światowe Stowarzyszenie Jabłek i Gruszek publikuje kwietniowe dane o zapasach jabłek i gruszek

4 maj 2022
WAPA, the World Apple and Pear Association, released today the apple and pear stock figures from 1 April 2022. The figures show that in Europe apple stocks increased by 13.1% compared to 2021 to reach 2,180,415 T, while pear stocks decreased by 24.6% to 206,181 T. In the USA, apple stocks as of 1 April 2022 stood at 1,014,826 T (+4% compared to 2021), while pear stocks reached 73,215 T (45.6% above 2021). WAPA will continue to publish the monthly stock figures on its website and social media channels for the rest of the season.

WAPA, the World Apple and Pear Association, collects every month the stock figures for apples and pears from Europe and the United States. WAPA can reveal that European apple stocks stood at 2,180,415 T as of 1 April 2022, which is 13.1% above the figure of 2021. This trend can be explained by the increases concerning Red Jonaprince (46.6% up from 2021), Jonagold (+38.6%), Gala (+33.8%), and Golden Delicious (+26%), although several varieties reported a decrease compared to 2021, including Gloster (-55.4%) and Granny Smith (-19.1%). On the other hand, pear stocks stood at 206,181 T on 1 April 2022, 24.6% below the volume of 2021. In addition to the Italian varieties almost being down to zero (Abate Fetel -99.8% and Kaiser -99.3% compared to 2021), Conference pears were also 13.1% down from last year.

In the USA, apple stocks in April stood at 1,014,826 T (+4% compared to 2021). Cosmic Crisp (+290% compared to 2021), Granny Smith (+48.8%), and Pink Lady (+24.1%) compensated for the decrease in several major varieties, such as Fuji (-22.7%) and Red Delicious (-11.3%) . Pears stocks in the USA stood at 73,215 T, which is 45.6% above last year, with Anjou pears increasing by 45.2%.WAPA will continue to release the stock levels for the rest of the season. The figures from the 1st of May 2022 will be made public on the WAPA website at the beginning of June.

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