Innowacyjne biorozwiązania nagrodzone na Macfrut

6 maj 2022
During the second edition of the Biosolutions International Award ceremony, an acknowledgement created by Agri2000, awards were given to Biolchim for Vhera Life, Tradecorp for Miimore, and Tima Agro for Energeo 

During Macfrut, the second edition of the Biosolutions International Award ceremony was held. This award was created by Agri2000 to present innovations in the field of plant protection and nutrition that use natural methods: in fact, as outlined in the Green Deal, this sector is set to become even more important in the agricultural industry. 

The three award-winning companies distinguished themselves for creating highly innovative products. Below are the award winners: 

Biolchim with Vhera Life. Motivation for the award: ‘Vhera Life is a biostimulant with a prebiotic action based on algae and plant extracts rich in terpenes, betaines and nutrients. Vhera Life supplies the nutrients and substrates that are necessary for beneficial microorganisms in the soil to grow. The award is given in recognition of the distinctive traits of the product and its effectiveness in various contexts.’ 

Tradecorp with Miimore. Motivation for the award: ‘Biimore is a biostimulant with proven beneficial effects on increasing crop yield and improving crop quality parameters. Biimore is one of the first biostimulants suitable for use in microdoses (50-200 ml/ha). The award is given in recognition of the innovative, sustainable and effective nature of the product.’ 

Tima Agro with Energeo. Motivation for the award: ‘Energeo® is a range of high-tech fertilisers made using by-products derived from sugar beet processing. The project is the result of a partnership between Tima Agro Italia and COPROB (Cooperativa Produttori Bieticoli, i.e. Beet Producers Cooperative) - Italia Zuccheri, the only 100% Italian sugar supply chain. The award is given in recognition of its effectiveness, of the circular economy principle behind its implementation, and of the innovative nature of the project, which was developed as part of a partnership with a network of agricultural producers.’ 

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