Już tylko tydzień na rejestrację

17 maj 2022
Over 300 top managers of major fruit growing companies from the Voronezh, Lipetsk, Kaluga, Ryazan, Rostov, Sverdlovsk, Belgorod, Oryol, Smolensk, Vladimir, Chelyabinsk, Bryansk, Tula, Tver, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Arkhangelsk, Tambov, Tomsk, Kostroma regions, Stavropol province, Khabarovsk province, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District, Chechen Republic, Tatarstan Republic, Dagestan, Bashkortostan, Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia have confirmed their participation in the Forum Orchards and Vineyards of Russia and CIS (31 May-1 June 2022, Moscow, Baltschug Kempinski Hotel). Registration for the forum closes in a week.

Forum 2022 in facts and figures:
• 300+ confirmed participants: delegates from major commercial orchards, vineyards, berry plantations, fruit nurseries, including: X5 Group, Agro Yug, Rosagroleasing, Agronom-Sad, Donetskaya Dolina, Agrovin-Sultan, STEPPE Agroholding, Angelina, ARNIKA-Agro, Stavropol Flavour, Vologda Product, VOSKHOD, Sokolinye Sady, Agro-Partner, Glazunovskie Sady, Grante, Dar-Vin, Dary Sadov, Agrarian Policy Department of the Voronezh region, Doctor Sharets, Eurasian Economic Commission, Eurotorg, Ekaterininskie Sady, Zavetny Sad, Zadonie, Demetra, Zeleny Dom, Zorinsky Sad,  IP KFH Dudnikov S.N. Inform Lines, IP Gangan V.I., IP GKFH Mamontov A.V., Grigorievskie Sady, IP Eliseev D.A., Alonka, Krasninskie Sady, Fyodor Peasant Farm, KFH Adamyan G.S., KFH Alimenko, KFH Beidin A.V., KFH Iria-Sad, KFH Kitaev S.V. KFH Kolesnikov A.A., KFH Novoselova V.V., KFH SADADIVA MARII, KFH Skovorodnikov, KFH Sychev D.N., Lenta, Malinovy Don, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the North Ossetia-Alania Republic, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Dagestan Republic,  the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Rostov region, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Ingushetia Republic, National Fruit Company, Nevada Vostok (Samberry), New Technologies, NPP Opytnaya Stantsia Sadovodstva, O’KEY, POLOSA, Poltavskoye, Zeleny Mir Agroholding, Sadovody Sury, ALMA Production, Pravda-Agro, RUDO-BARSAD, Sady Bakhchisaraya, SNOP, the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, SPK Arkhangelsk Cranberry, SHP Rassvet, SHPK Tula Berry Company, Tander, VNNIIViV Magarach RAN, Frukti Starogo Krima, Agro-Belogorie, FRUTTIS Group, Berkli, EXIAR, Yuzhnye Zemli, Vitamin  VIO, Gossortkomissia, Belgorod Apples, ARDJIES, Tavdinskaya, and a lot more others.

• 50+ speakers, panellists and honorary guests:     
- Alexander Chumak, Director for International Projects, Roskachestvo      
- Maksim Petrunin, Advisor to Director, Project Leader, Rosagroleasing      
- Magamed Gageev, Minister, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Ingushetia Republic      
 - Sharip Sharipov, First Deputy Minister, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Dagestan Republic      
- Dmitry Repka, Deputy Minister, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Rostov region    - Elena Tsvetkova, Assistant to Head, Rosselkhoznadzor      
- Radmir Galeev, General Director, APK Stolypino     
- Olga Segal, Manager of the Fruit and Berry Plantations, Grigorievskie Sady       
- Alexander Berezin, Head, BERKLI FARM      
- Nugzar Giorgadze, General Director, Alonka      
- Roman Bulienov, General Director, Novy Krim      
- Oleg Rianov, General Director, Yuzhnye Zemli      
- Alexey Volochai, General Director, Agronom-Sad      
- Andi Magomedov, Director, Agrovin-Sultan      
- Alexander Prodan, Chairman of the Cooperative, Malinovy Don      
- Roman Isaev, Deputy Director for Production, Demetra      
- Mikhail Sharin, Development Director, POLOSA      
- Nikolay Sklepkovich, Chairman of Cooperative, Arkhangelsk Cranberry      
- Aleksey Laptev, Chief Agronomist, Bakhchisaray Valley      
- Alexandra Sukhareva, Head of Division, Fruit/Berry Category, X5 Group      
- Dmitry Sysoev, Head for Purchases and Supplies Development, Lenta, and a lot more other industry experts. 
• Forum support: Silver sponsor: FitomagInter; Bronze sponsor: Plawi-Service. 
• Exhibition and showcase of innovative technologies by the leading companies: IPLAST, Isolcell S.P.A., Agropack, Bio Technology, Eurochem, INFROST, KLAAS Vostok, August, AGROSPETSMASH, Siseth, Chance Group, MasterShamp, NOVAMIN, Nursery ESCANDE PLANTS SARL, Profholod, Stal Soyuz/Trellis Systems
• NEW! AWARDS CEREMONY – an excellent opportunity to strengthen company’s status of the industry leader. Vote according to nominations by the link
• DIALOGUE WITH RETAIL CHAINS – network with heads of departments of Lenta, X5 Group, O’key, Tander, Nevada Vostok, Samberry, Eurotorg, National Fruit Company, Russian National Cuisine, ARGJIES, and others. 
• Cocktail reception for informal networking, business lunches, coffee breaks

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