Trwa odliczanie do FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023: Wystawcy mogą rejestrować się od teraz

25 maj 2022
When the global fresh produce industry gathers under one roof in Berlin from 8 to 10 February 2023 its motto will be ’All in ONE’. Companies who decide to take part will benefit from FRUIT LOGISTICA gathering the industry’s leading global players under one roof as well as representing the entire value chain for fresh produce, from growers to the point of sale. 

The results of this year’s exhibitor and trade visitors surveys show how important FRUIT LOGISTICA is for this sector. Among them are that 85 per cent of exhibiting companies gave a positive assessment of their business following their participation, and that some 80 per cent of trade visitors occupied a senior role in their company. These are two of the main reasons why taking part in FRUIT LOGISTICA is so important for the economic success of many companies in the fresh produce sector. 
Kai Mangelberger, Director of FRUIT LOGISTICA: “FRUIT LOGISTICA not only brings exhibiting companies together with leading decision-makers, it also enables face-to-face meetings, which in the fresh produce industry, being so dependent on trust, is extremely important. By taking part in only one trade show and taking only one trip you can meet the whole world of fresh produce. In short it is an event that offers ’All in ONE’.“Companies have until the end of July to register for FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023. Full details on how to register for a stand can be found on the website of FRUIT LOGISTICA. If you have any queries the team of FRUIT LOGISTICA in Berlin or one of Messe Berlin’s 150 local representatives around the world will be only too glad to assist.

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